Project 365 – Week 17 of 2018

A week of getting back into our routine after our holiday and getting over jet lag. I don’t usually suffer from jet lag but have been exceptionally tired this week… not many interesting photos either.

Sunday 22nd April

Went to collect Rosie today as soon as the cattery opened. She was so pleased to see us and has been extra loving since getting home, lots of licks and miaows and settling down next to us.



Monday 23rd April

Back to our routine today of school and karate club. Had to treat ourselves to some masala fish and good old British chips! I missed them! Had to chase up the home insurance re the smashed window but they are happy to go ahead and replace it. I have to pay a £100 excess though. The police are not taking it further because no one was hurt and nothing was stolen it is not worth spending money making a case!



Tuesday 24th April

I am cheating a bit as this photo was taken a bit later in the week but does reflect the whole week. ( I forgot to take one today). Rosie clearly missed us as she’s been getting as close as she can to me and licking me so much. Usually I don’t like her doing it too much (as her tongue is like sandpaper and can hurt!) but I left her to it to get it out of her system! Bee went back to Rainbows today…she had just missed one session.



Wednesday 25th April

Back to my Quran lessons today. They didn’t have any lessons while I was away so thankfully didn’t miss anything. The hubby realised I had missed a good dessert while away so brought me home a waffle on his way back from work. However I had to share half with the eldest!



Thursday 26th April

Went to lunch with a friend and had a good chat and a catch up! Hubby came home from work early and cut the grass. Can’t wait for the further to improve so I can get some plants and sort it all out properly.



Friday 27th April

Been back a week and haven’t wanted to do anything blogging related. If anything I am so relaxed at the moment not having to worry about anything blogging related and I wanted to keep it that way a bit longer. But can’t put it off any longer. Have some games to review so played one this evening with the girls. Full review on the blog soon.



Saturday 28th April

First full week back home completed and feels like we were never away! Back into our routine and daily life. Just wish the rain would go away though…am sick of it. Eldest needed some new folders as she is starting Urdu lessons on a Saturday (horse riding moved to Sunday) so went out to get some and couldn’t resist getting some biscuits!

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