Project 365 – Week 28 of 2018

Sunday 8th July

Myself and Bee went to a see a screening of Incredibles 2 before it was released on 13th July. Was nice to spend some alone time with her as rarely get to do that. Then after the eldest got back from horse riding we went to Leicester to eat.



Monday 9th July

Nothing special today….school and then karate. And in the evening Bee decided it would be a good idea to do drawings in chalk on the pathway. Left her to it as kept her quiet for a while!



Tuesday 10th July

Took mum to the docs again. Her blood pressure is a little on the high side but just slightly (she is already on meds for that). And the chest x-ray showed her heart is slightly enlarged…he thinks it may just be due to old age but said she needs to get an ECG done to check it. SO booked her in for that on Friday. Her knee pain is worse as she has arthritis in it so he is refering her the physio to try some exercises before we go down the route of injections. After dropped mum home popped into town to collect my watch which was having a battery changed…and decided to get some chocolates for Bee’s teachers. I didn’t want to do mugs/keyrings as sure they get loads of them…and too lazy to do anything creative…so chocolates it is!



Wednesday 11th July

Nothing interesting today really. Usual routine of Quran class in the morning. Weather felt a bit cooler today and Rosie ventured out of her hiding places onto the dried out grass!



Thursday 12th July

Bee’s first ever school Sports Day! They had changed the format this year with about 20 activities and you went around with them while they spent 2 minutes on each activity. And it wasn’t individual scores but the team scores that were important to see which of the 4 teams won. I preferred it this way to be honest as I remember with my eldest she would be in about 2 races and you had to stand around watching everyone else for literally a minute or 2 of your own child.



Friday 13th July

Another relatively quiet day. Took mum for her ECG in the morning. Nurse said there are some changes from her last ECG but she will speak to the doctor later and if he is concerned he will get in touch. Watched the bumble bees in the garden in the evening busy working away.



Saturday 14th July

Another flower picture! After the girls had their classes in the morning we went to a Nerf Battle being held at Bee’s karate in the afternoon. The girls had fun…and then an evening of chilling and watching TV/playing in the garden.

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