Project 365 for 2019 – Week 4

Day 20 – Sunday 20th January

Went to a local event today where they were discussing mental health from a BME perspective. And afternoon was involved! Sandwiches and cake. I don’t often go to the local events as most of the women who go to them know each other and I feel a bit awkward as I am not part of their group. I knew at least one lady there and got chatting to another who was sitting next to me so it wasn’t too bad. I tried this cake that looked like chocolate but had a coffee taste to it and was quite bitter!


Day 21 – Monday 21st January

Both my dad and I had our annual diabetic reviews today. Have a feeling my sugar levels will be higher as if I am honest I haven’t been taking care of myself like I should. She struggled to get dads blood out and only got 2 bottles out when she need to get more for other tests…so booked him in for next week. His blood pressure was also high so she wanted to check that next week too. I decided to ask her to check my iron and Vitamin D too as been feeling tired..but she struggled to get my blood out and gave up as I tend to feel faint when she is poking and prodding me with the needle. I got sent to the walk in centre to get my blood out and they had no problems.


Day 22 – Tuesday 22nd January

Back to my kickboxing today and the final day of the free trial. She worked us pretty hard today compared to last week! Decided to sign up and go regularly and see how it goes. In the afternoon went to the school to read with the kids but they were having a session in their forest school. Decided to join then even though I wasn’t really dressed for it…but thankfully it wasn’t too muddy!


Day 23 – Wednesday 23rd January

A chilly start to a busy day. Had my Quran class in the morning which lasted until 11.45am…I then rushed to Bee’s school to have lunch with her as parents were invited to join their children……went home after lunch and then back to school at 2.30pm for reading cafe. The book they were reading was to do with sandwiches and the activity after was to make your own sandwich and eat it!


Day 24 – Thursday 24th January

In my quest of getting fit I went to another exercise class with a friend today. Was shattered by the end of it. Came home and cooked and then just chilled for a short while until it was time to do the school run.


Day 25 – Friday 25th January

Got a call today from the GP surgery to confirm my sugar levels had gone back into the diabetic range. It is not a huge jump but I was asked if I wanted to go onto meds. I asked to control it by diet again as I had managed it’s just this past few months I have been a bit slack. They agreed to give me 6 months before they retest again and then I will have to go on meds if I haven’t got it under control. My Vitamin D is also low so the doctor had written me a prescription which I had to collect today. I have to take a tablet once a week for 8 weeks.


Day 26 – Saturday 26th January

Karate in the morning for Bee and Urdu class for the eldest. She had an informal test today and managed to get 24/25 right. In the afternoon took them shopping as needed to get some things for the eldest. Ended up going right to the top of the car park.


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