Project 365 for 2019 – Week 10

A pretty uneventful week really

Day 62 – Sunday 3rd March

A really quiet day. Bee went to a Quran class in the morning to make up some sessions her group had missed due to the teacher being sick..and eldest went horse riding. While the eldest was at horse riding  we we to check out a new bed for her and ended up ordering one for ourselves! Arrives in 2 weeks time. In the afternoon the kids watched a film on Netflix while hubby and I watched something on Amazon Prime. In the evening went out to eat as we had such a lazy day we didn’t cook!


Day 63 – Monday 4th March

Took dad to a doctors appointment..his blood pressure is too high. They increased his meds and then he has to have a blood test next week and go back to check his levels in 2 weeks. I am slightly concerned as our doctor has changed and they seem to be messing with his medication again. It took ages to get it all right and now because his diabetes seems under control they have reduced his meds as they said its too high. I said to the doctor that surely they are now under control because of the took the diabetes team a while to get it right!! So she agreed to do a blood test in 3 months and if the levels have gone up they will put the dosage back to what it was. It does baffle me slightly.

Then popped to a sewing class that was organised by a local group. I went more for to get out and meet other women. Was an OK session.


Day 64 – Tuesday 5th March

Kick boxing in the morning. Wasn’t sure I was going to make it as been feeling a bit bad again but made myself go. Then after school checked out the book fair that was there as part of word book week and both girls got a book each.


Day 65 – Wednesday 6th March

Had my Quran class in the morning…then a governor meeting at 2pm….after dropped Bee off at her Quran class after school…..I attended a full governors meeting back at the school. My nephew picked up Bee for me and she had received a certificate for working hard.


Day 66 – Thursday 7th March

World Book Day and Bee went dressed as a Disney Princess. The outfit had been given to the eldest to borrow years back but then our friend never took it back… Bee is now making use of it! Saved me trying to be creative and make a costume! Bee of course had to add her own style to it with her boots!

Went and got my eldest a laptop too as the old one’s keyboard wasn’t working and it was really slow….was my old laptop so its a few years old. I didn’t want her using my Apple Mac as she is careless so got her a basic one that is fine for her to do her homework on.


Day 67 – Friday 8th March

Had a bit of a lazy day today. Hubby treated me to breakfast in the morning….and then had a chilled out Friday morning.


Day 68 – Saturday  9th March

Didn’t do a whole lot today. Bee had her karate and eldest had her Urdu class. Spent a few hours at the parents, then spent a few hours tidying part of the eldest’s room! And then just watched some TV. So here’s a picture of Rosie who was after her evening meal here.

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