Project 365 for 2019 – Week 20

With it being Ramadan there is not much going on with the family except fasting and praying. So it’s getting kind of hard to take interesting pictures!

Day 133 – Sunday 12th May

Back in Week 16 we planted some 9 years old out of date tomato seeds…..we failed as nothing grew. To be honest I wasn’t holding out much hope. So now we are trying out of date peppers! These aren’t as old so will see if we have some luck with these.

Showing a packet of pepper seeds

Day 134 – Monday 13th May

Bee has cooking club after school on Mondays and today she came out with this creation. I asked her what it was and she said she had forgotten. But it seemed to be a wrap with pizza base sauce, cheese, onions and peppers. She had half and then I had half when it was time to break the fast. Was actually quite nice.


Day 135 – Tuesday 14th May

It was Bee’s final session at Rainbow’s today. She was a little bit sad but thankfully no tears…she had made some friends there but I just didn’t want to pay £3 a session just for some crafts….plus I was paying for 3 lessons of Quran a week of which one lesson she was missing due to going to Rainbows. I was thinking about putting her into Beavers instead which is Fridays and doesn’t clash with her Quran class….but things might be changing financially and might be tough for a little while until things settle down… so decided against it. Even though it is just £3 a week it soon adds up.


Day 136 – Wednesday 15th May

Had my Quran class in the morning and then went shopping with hubby as he needed some new shirts and trousers. His job is changing slightly and he needs to look smarter! Cheating a bit with this picture as it was  taken yesterday….but she did the whole sunbathing thing again today!


Day 137 – Thursday 16th May

Had an extra Quran class this morning but because hubby had another day off I decided to relax at home with him a bit as we rarely get time to spend together without the kids and went out to do some shopping. A new book arrived for the girls to check out.

After karate came home and had to drive hubby to Cambridge and back as he had to pick up a car for his work. We had 2 hours before our fast opened and was nervous incase we got stuck in traffic but we managed to make it back with 15 mins to spare.


Day 138 – Friday 17th May

Had a relaxing day…caught up with some scheduling in of some posts for the 30 Ramadan Related posts  by 30 different bloggers for the Muslimah Bloggers community and then just relaxed at home in the evening once picked up the girls from school. Rosie pretty much reflecting my mood here in this picture.


Day 139 – Saturday 18th May

Really struggled this morning to get up to take Bee to her karate. Would have had a lie in and cancelled it but she has belt testing tomorrow so really needed to go to her class to practice. Popped to my mums for a while after as had dropped the eldest there while we went karate – the eldest is doing really well with her fasting…so proud of her as she’s just getting on with it, going to school and not complaining. The afternoon was just spent relaxing and not doing much…Bee got all the animals out and played with them. Although in this picture they all look like they are tired and relaxing just like me!


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