Project 365 for 2019 – Week 21

Day 140 – Sunday 19th May

Bee had a charity Ramadan party to go to. With the money we paid to go the charity were hoping to sponsor orphans for a year. I think they managed to raise enough to sponsor 2 for the year. The party involved some Ramadan related crafts. We then went to belt testing in the evening and she managed to get her green belt with a B pass.


Day 141 – Monday 20th May

Had some bananas that were very ripe and got a bit of black skin so decided to make a banana cake.


Day 142 – Tuesday 21st May

Nothing particularly interesting happened today, just the usual school runs…so you have a picture of Rosie!


Day 143 – Wednesday 22nd May

Another relatively quiet day. I just went to my Quran class in the morning and then the usual school run. We are now half way through Ramadan. It seems to be flying by.


Day 144 – Thursday 23rd May

Hubby had a day off today and while I was at my Electrolysis appointment and then my Quran class he did a spot of cooking for when we broke our fast. After picking up the girls from school there was a bit of commotion in the garden and found the cat after a baby bird. Hubby then told me he had rescued it earlier from the conservatory from the cat. It couldn’t fly….and I didn’t know what to do with it. It was bleeding under its wing. From previous experience there was no point ringing the vet as they just say leave it as the parents are likely to be around…which is true as the parents were flying around and going a bit mad. Had to take Bee to karate so I hid it under a bush and barricaded it in as best as I could to stop the cat getting to it. Unfortunately when we got back it was out from under the bush and dead.


Day 145 – Friday 24th May

Final day of school before half term and the parents had been invited in to do some seaside related crafts with the kids to end the topic.


Day 146 – Saturday 25th May

A busy day today with Bee’s karate. She had her normal class at 9.45am……then fight club at 11.45….and then had to rush over to another karate school for an interclub competition. The traffic was crazy and we along with a couple of other parents were late but as we had an instructor with us she contacted the other school and they waited. Bee did well in her fights…this time there were 2 slightly older boys in her category and she did really well in the fight against one….but she lost 2 and won 1 which put her in the runner up place. She was a bit disappointed that she didn’t get a trophy!


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