Project 365 for 2019 – Week 40

Day 273 – Sunday 29th September

The day of the Diabetes UK charity walk! I was so nervous as the weather forecast was bad but it thankfully we only got a couple of showers towards the end and escaped any heavy rain. It took us just under 4.5 hours to do it and it wasn’t too bad doing it! The eldest did start getting a bit tired but she did really well…although she did look like she wanted to murder me a couple of times.We saw parts of London we have never seen before….had expensive fish and chips on the Southbank…and just had a pretty good experience!


Day 274 – Monday 30th September

Suffering a bit after the walk. My legs had stiffened up a bit yesterday but after the nights rest they weren’t so bad….but today I did absolutely nothing except for the school runs and taking Bee to her Quran class and then her karate class. Treated myself and Bee to an ice cream after school.


Day 275 – Tuesday 1st October

Another quiet day today. caught up with some blog work – managed to finally get a review live for a hockey stick my eldest received.


Day 276 – Wednesday 2nd October 

Breakfast with a friend this morning. She is due to give birth next week so treated her before the sleepless nights and dirty nappies restart! Then off to the theatre to see Madagascar the Musical at the New Theatre in the evening. The girls loved it!


Day 277 – Thursday 3rd October

A quiet day today. My toes are still hurting slightly after the walk….but today I ended up dropping my mobile right on my big toe…which made it so painful that I could not get my shoes on again and had to walk around with my trainers on again. Noticed one of my rose bushes in the garden looking healthy…I had cut it right back in the summer months as its leaves were diseased…but it has bounced back and is looking really healthy.

Day 278 – Friday 4th October

Another quiet day…been a bit of a lazy week. Had my Quran class in the morning and then came home and chilled for a bit. Here’s a pic of Rosie just relaxing as well!


Day 279 – Saturday 5th October

A full day at karate today! After Bee’s classes which finished at 1pm..she had an Interclub competition. She came 2nd!

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