Project 365 for 2019 – Week 47

Day 322 – Sunday 17th November

The eldest has decided she doesn’t want to go horse riding anymore…so now every Sunday is free. It appears she doesn’t feel like she is getting anywhere with it..and she can’t control the horses well. I think she had a bad experience with one who wouldn’t listen to her and she had enough. I will see if I can find another local riding school but to be honest she doesn’t appear too fussed and it saves me some money too. So now our Sunday’s are lazier than ever. I will miss seeing the horses and think they will miss the polos.

Bee had received a new book/app to review so we checked that out.

Day 323 – Monday 18th November

No rain today so off I went to meet up the ladies in the bike riding group in the local park. I was nervous getting on the bike and did think I might crash….but I was straight back on it and whizzing around! The leader says she wants to try us on the roads next week….but I am not sure I want to do that. I am only really getting back into it to get riding with the girls in parks in the summer holidays with no intention of going on the roads. And the way people drive these days makes me nervous. So will see. Once the bike ride was over I went to meet up with some friends for a spot of lunch. Couldn’t resist the brownie again.

Day 324 – Tuesday 19th November

A quiet day today. Tried to get some blog stuff done but wasn’t really very productive. Ended up watching netflix most of the time. I had ordered a new rug online which arrived today…..and Rosie of course had to check it out.

Day 325 – Wednesday 20th November

Went to Bee’s school in the morning as a coffee morning was being held to discuss the Christmas programme. Although I don’t celebrate Christmas at all, I do go in and help the school out with what they need. Partly as I am a governor but also because I am usually free and like to get involved in Bee’s school. Didn’t really take a picture of anything today except of Rosie again, who pretty much spent all day asleep on the sofa.

Day 326 – Thursday 21st November

Had my electrolysis appointment in the morning and she noticed I had had a breakout of a few spots. I do every now and then… and she recommended some products which are a bit more natural. Got a cleanser for myself and a face wash for the eldest. Also some tea tree oil. Then finally managed to get a blog post live about why you should encourage your child to do martial arts. In the afternoon went into the school to read with the kids.

Day 327 – Friday 22nd November

Feeling a bit low today so did absolutely nothing. Ended up cancelling my quran classes. Have been going for 2 years and feel like I haven’t got very far…plus the groups have changed and I didn’t like it. Looked for jobs to apply for but hard to find something I want to do and that suits the hours I need. After school took the girls to Bee’s school book fair as the books were half price…even those that were already on sale…and allowed them to get two books each. Paid £10.50 so not bad.

Day 328 – Saturday 23rd November

Karate in the morning. It gets so cold there so my feet were freezing after 2 hours. Think I am going to have to get some thermals or something! Then in the afternoon took Bee for her eye test. The traffic was crazy and I was stressing we would be really late but thankfully it was just 5 minutes.

When she had her first test about a year ago they noticed a bit of weakness in one of her eyes…..not enough that she needs glasses but they want to keep an eye on it so have been calling her back every 6 months. He was a young lad and was so lovely with her and really put her at ease while going through the tests. The weakness is still there but hasn’t he said one more 6 monthly check and if it’s the same they will move it to yearly checks.

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