Week 14 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 89 – 29th March

Decided to do a spot of baking with Bee. We hadn’t managed to find any flour before the lockdown but had found this! They came out ok, but to be honest I always find the taste of these ready made mixes a bit weird.

Monday Day 90 – 30th March

The eldest is spending a lot of time in her room doing her school work and today I got Bee to start some work too. Last week I was a bit slack with her due to her foot and let her rest up with a lot more screen time than I would have liked. Bee’s hand has been extremely dry for about a week and someone recommended Grapeseed Oil. It really did help and I have started using it too as I often get dry skin.

Tuesday Day 91 – 31st March

Bee has been gutted that she never got to dress up this weekend for the wedding. She had received a David Charles Childrens Wear dress to wear to the wedding and review, so instead we took some photos in the garden ready for me to write a review later in the week.

The fracture clinic phoned today as they are only offering phone consultations. We were told it was a very thin line and should heal with no future problems for Bee. She has to keep the boot on for 4-5 weeks. Maybe 6 if I think she needs it. The foot may be sore once she takes it off..that is normal. And then no contact sports for a further 4 weeks. If I am concerned after the initial 6 weeks to phone them and they will advise further. They are trying not to see anyone but will do if they feel they need too. Hoping no complications arise after the 4-5 weeks. She will have had the boot for 1 week tomorrow.

David Charles Childrenswear dress sleeve

Wednesday Day 92 – 1st April

Decided to try the free trial for Mathletics. I hate Maths but Bee is pretty good at it and seems to enjoy it. So I thought if she likes it I will pay for it.

Last night we coloured in a neighbour and some stars for the wedding. Her school had recommended we do stars too as stars are part of their whole ethos. We put them up and they made the window look cheerful.

Thursday Day 93 – 2nd April

Remembered that some time ago I had purchased a lot of Crochet Magazines which came with wool so decided to dig them out and teach myself some crochet! However couldn’t find the crochet hook things so ordered some from Amazon which should arrive tomorrow. Let’s see if I get anywhere with crocheting!

Bee also finished her video she was making as part of her school homework for planting a sunflower seed and we planted it outside. She had been making a video from the start of March documenting its growth. Sent the video to her headteacher who said she would put it on the school website tomorrow!

Friday Day 94 – 3rd April

The crochet hooks arrived and managed to teach myself the first basic stitch…maybe if I am patient enough I can do this! Decided to purchase a 6 month subscription for Mathletics as Bee seems to be enjoying it. I had ordered some plants online for my hanging basket and tyre planters and they arrived today! Inspired me to get out in the garden and see what needs doing. I love these flowers. Also managed to do some blog work and wrote a post about Ramadan Activity Books.

Saturday Day 95 – 4th April

Sunny day and got the girls out into the garden although they would have probably preferred to stay on their electronics, eldest in particular. When I said no electronics she decided tidying her room was better than being out in the garden! Hubby was bored and decided to sort out all the kitchen cupboards. He has been pretty helpful round the house!

Beginning to get a bit frustrated about having to stay at home now but I know it is for the best.

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