Week 20 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 131 – 10th May

Bee has been missing chicken pops from her favourite takeaway. Would have got her some but they are shut…..so attempted a new recipe for homemade chicken bites. Must admit they were a lot better than the ones from the takeaway. In future will be making them at home. Published my post about Spin Master games.

Monday Day 132 – 11th May

Not a lot happening today really. Had a school governors meeting online. Hubby was contacted by Hermes a few days ago again as they were busy. He decided to go back as he doesn’t have anything else to do at the moment and frankly any amount of money helps. So he has been doing deliveries daily. They have given him a local area now so it kind of works as he isn’t dashing all over the city, so not much diesel is used. Myself and the girls just chilled at home as usual and even the cat was on a go slow and just watched all the birds from the conservatory.

Tuesday Day 133 – 12th May

Again not much happening today apart from another school governors meeting in the morning. Then decided to bake a chocolate cake. I ended up making too much whipped cream so decided to cover the whole cake….then sprinkled on grated mint chocolate on top. Not the pretties of cakes but it taste good….and thats the main thing!

Wednesday Day 134 – 13th May

Another quiet day. Managed to get a post live in my Muslim Mums in Business series. Our days seem to be school work in the mornings with an exercise class for Bee and then pretty much do what they want in the afternoon which usually ends up watching TV or playing on the Wii. And then an online karate class for Bee at 5.30pm. I am a bit chill at the moment and letting them watch TV as don’t really feel like going for walks etc while fasting, and don’t have the energy to arrange amazing activities for them daily! Plus the ‘lockdown’ is affecting Bee more than I realised. She kept coming down from bed saying she was really worried about the grandparents and can’t stop thinking about them. She is missing them more than I realised.

Thursday Day 135 – 14th May

After Bee not being able to sleep yesterday I pretty much said stuff it to school work and had a totally lazy day with TV and the Wii. Did encourage her to go out in the garden for a short while to get some fresh air.

I did some more blog work and published a post about celebrating Eid at home.

Friday Day 136 – 15th May

The eldest was a bit bored after doing her schoolwork and decided to make some chocolate muffins. She burnt them slightly but they still tasted ok after the burnt bits were taken off. Was pleased to see some flowers in my hanging basket.

Saturday Day 137 – 16th May

No schoolwork today so another day of chilling. So a picture of Rosie as there was nothing else really to take a picture of. Getting a bit tired and fed up now and want to see my parents. Trying to decide what to do as Dad has a hospital appointment on Monday and although I am reluctant to take him after not getting close to them since 22nd March, I am the one who goes to all the appointments with him. So am now debating whether I should risk taking him. Although I have been home all the time my husband has been going out to work and I don’t want to risk passing anything on to him….but I am the only one that questions the consultants and makes sure he gets the right treatment.

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