Week 21 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 138 – 17th May

I feel like I type ‘today was a quiet day’ a lot. But frankly most of the days are quiet and there isn’t much to share! I caught up with some blogging work as had to send a draft blog post to be approved….and the girls did their usual of TV, games, phone and reading.

Monday Day 139 – 18th May

Reluctantly went over to my parents house to take dad to his hospital appointment. Got there and was told there are no appointments as they have all been made into telephone consultations. I was angry at the unnecessary risk we took…but I was polite and said the reminder letter didn’t say anything about it being a telephone consultation….I had actually wondered why they hadn’t made it into a telephone call! Thankfully got dad back home in time for the call and he was told everything seems stable at the moment. Popping over to the parents I got a chance to check on some of plants I had given them that were getting a bit sick in pots and needed to go into the ground. In the pot this rhododendron would only give a few flowers and look at this year! So beautiful.

Tuesday Day 140 – 19th May

Bee’s karate school have started to do 1-2-1’s outdoors in front of the dojo. This way they can keep socially distancing but still teach the kids for 30 mins. Bee had her session today and it was nice to get out of the house…even if I did just sit in the car and was nice to see her get some proper practice in which didn’t involve staring at a screen. Got home and told her she needs to start practicing her moves regularly….the 5 weeks off due to her fractured foot has made her a bit unfit and she needs to get back into it properly.

Also managed get a blog post live about Rafiq and Friends.

Wednesday Day 141 – 20th May

Slowly starting to get ready for Eid which will be at some point this weekend. As we already had new clothes which we had purchased for a wedding prior to lockdown and Bee had her David Charles Childrenswear dress, I had decided not to buy any more new clothes. Had to get Bee’s shoes out that she had got for the wedding so she could practice walking in them….not that we will be going out partying!

Thursday Day 142 – 21st May

After her school work Bee was out on the road on her scooter but it was just too hot so we didn’t last long outside. Also ended up baking another cake. I had ordered some flour from the local cake shop and decided to try a toffee cake mix as well. It made a massive cake but it was so tasty!

Friday Day 143 – 22nd May

Decided to start putting our decorations up today. This photo was the finished version on Saturday. Eid will be Sunday or Monday. I am not the most creative when it comes to decorations but think I did Ok! The banners and balloons were gifted by Anafiya Gifts.

Saturday Day 144 – 23rd May

A generally chilled out day. Finished off the decorations. Then I put henna on the girls as we can’t actually go out and get it done professionally. Had ordered some stencils off Amazon and they worked out pretty well. Also went and collected some Eid cupcakes I had ordered. So now we are all ready for Eid. It was then confirmed in the evening that Eid will be on Sunday, so it was our final fast today.

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