My Muslim Mums in Business series focus’s on inspirational Muslim women, who are balancing the art of motherhood along with running businesses.
Please introduce yourself and your business.
I am Umm Afraz Muhammed, an Indian raised and settled in the Emirates, a graduate of Psychology and Higher Diploma in Islamic Studies, and a current student of Masters in Islamic Studies, alhamdulillah.Using my passion of serving sisters to gain clarity, peace, and acceptance in their life, I founded Redefined Muslimah Coaching in 2018 to help me serve my purpose.
What makes your coaching business different from your competitors?
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 3aalameen, each of us are unique in our own way, and our uniqueness reflects in our business. What is different in my coaching business is that Allah has given me the opportunity to be of service to sisters who are like me, who struggle in their issues just like I used to (and sometimes still do). Those who connect with my posts and content, connect with me on a personal and professional basis, depending on the context.A point I would like to mention is, alhamdulillah, I don’t see others similar to my coaching business as my competitors. I see them as my colleagues and associates with whom I connect with and benefit from.
What inspired you to start working from home? Did anyone in particular inspire you?
My children inspired me to start working from home. As a mother to young children, I couldn’t be away from them for long periods of time. And as I did my studies online, I realized I could work online as well, alhamdulillah.
Is your family supportive of you being a working mother?
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 3aalameen, my family has always been supportive of whatever I do, be it in terms of giving me the time and space to work, or even in terms of borrowing their personal items to be used for my work.
What are the main challenges you face as a mum and an entrepreneur?
As a mum, I think the challenges are just like any other mother – providing the necessities to the children, giving them the needed love, care and support, being there for them, holding space for them, all the while as we scramble for our own space.Add in an entrepreneur life, the challenges get raised, especially for mothers with young children. As for me, I am more of a take-it-as-you-go girl. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 3aalameen, since I am not the sole breadwinner of my family, Allah has blessed me with the privilege to take things as I go.
Describe a typical working day. Are there specific times in the day that you work on your business?
My day starts at Fajr, after which I prepare tea and breakfast while doing my morning adhkar. Then it’s school time for the kids, which is when I work with my clients (however, with the current Covid19 lockdown I have shifted my work timings too). After Dhuhr, I take a break from work and focus on my kids. My work timings resumes from Asr and ends at Maghrib. Post-maghrib is kitchen time till I sleep.
What are the pros and cons about being a working mum from home?
I love working from home for a lot of reasons – working from the comfort of my home, not worrying about the physical hijab, convenient timings, being there for my family.The only con I see is the lack of physical interaction with others. Being a people-person, sometimes I feel I need to go out, but alhamdulillah, being the ambivert that I am, I fit in well with the work-from-home-mum.
On your toughest days, what helps keep you motivated?
Defining and redefining my intention as to why I do what I do helps me to be focused. There are many days, sometimes weeks in a row, where I feel demotivated to do anything. Those days I consider them my time off. Only when I take my time offs, I am able to come back motivated and focused in my field. Nevertheless, the one thing I am always focused is du3a, du3a, du3a. Always seek Allah’s Help and Aid even if everything seems to go smooth and fine.
Where would you like to see your business in the future?
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 3aalameen, I have quite a few ideas in the pipeline. Once I have the time and resources set, I am planning to launch courses that are related to the Qur’an and self-coaching, as alhamdulillah my master-level thesis is also based on this topic.
What advice would you give to mums considering taking the step of being a working mum?
As with any (new) venture, there will always be hurdles. But if you begin with bismillah, istikhaarah (consulting with Allah) and istishaarah (consulting with close ones), and you put in the effort, then Allah Al Fattaah will open doors of success for you in this world and in the aakhirah – provided it is not something that is against the teachings of Islam. Sometimes it may not seem like you are doing much, but no matter how trivial the job, how minute your service, even if it helps one person, it will be recorded in your scale of good deeds. And Allah ArRahman will be Pleased with you. Aameen.
If you’re interested in knowing more about Umm Afraz’s work, then visit her website at Redefined Muslimah Coaching.
You can also find her on:
If you are a muslim mum with a business and would like to feature then drop me a message in sha Allah.
I found this post helpful as I am also a mom, student, and businesswoman. To make things even more complicated we homeschool. It is definitely a struggle to find the right balance every day. What I have found is prioritizing is necessary for me. So I just do things in order of importance and whatever I don’t get to I try not to stress over.
Glad you found it helpful
I love this series, it brings to light such amazing women who are mum’s and their businesses mashallah! It’s a great way to promote everyone and come across amazing businesses as well.
Glad you like the series
MashaAllah, inspiring post. As a teacher I love hearing and reading different stories of those who multitask around their responsibilities and having a supportive family behind you is helpful. May Allah increase this sisters in her endeavours. Ameen
Mashallah, I read this post recently. You’re doing a great service, sister Umm Afraz, and I love the quotes. I love your sense of positivity and hope
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