Week 25 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 166 – 14th June

A bit of hula hooping in the garden and then decided to take the girls to the local park so Bee could practice cycling on a slighter bigger bike than what she was taught on. She did pretty well….she can’t quite get the hang of steering properly yet (tighter turns) for some reason but at least she has the balance sorted. It is the first time we have ventured to the local park and it was packed. People just weren’t bothering to socially distance when passing you so I doubt we will return. If we do, it will be early morning or late evening….and definitely not on a weekend.

Monday Day 167 – 15th June

I really struggle to get the taste of pilau rice and I am a reluctant cook when it comes to chicken on the bone…am paranoid I won’t cook it properly. However a relative started up a You Tube channel and I decided to try out their chicken pilau recipe….and it tasted delicious. The girls liked it so it was definitely good. If you want to check out their channel its A&Z Kitchen.

Tuesday Day 168 – 16th June

I realised that I kept telling Bee to go out and get some fresh air in the garden….but then there wasn’t a whole lot she can do in the garden except for a swing. So I decided to order her an archery set. She loves it and had a competition with me to see who scored 100 points first. She won. Eldest made some biscuits….she seems to be developing a love for biscuits.

Wednesday Day 169 – 17th June

Had to go and collect the eldest’s GCSE books today. They have started working from them this week…it seems like they are working on the basis that there will be some element of home learning come September, but the books they have given are just for English, Maths and Science. We still don’t know what choices she has got as the letter went missing….seem to be getting parcels and letters go missing a lot recently.

Thursday Day 170 – 18th June

After joining in with the 30 Days Wild Challenge through the Wildlife Trust we got inspired to become members. They were offering half price membership and I had decided to take out a family membership. The packs arrived today!

Eldest finally received an email confirming her GCSE choices and she got her first choices. She will be studying Double English, Maths, Triple Science, History and Sport. The Sport is a BTEC rather than a GCSE as I guess they didn’t have enough students to do the GCSE. The did say it would be the BTEC or the GCSE when we went to the open evening about the GCSE’s. She started work on the books this week and think it has all already overwhelmed her. Think I will be sitting down with her and trying to get a study plan together and make sure she stays calm about it all.

Friday Day 171 – 19th June

Eldest decided to make chocolate muffins today. She had to develop a love of baking when I have been put on diabetes meds and am trying to be careful. Must admit I did end up trying one….but then we did go on a long walk to burn it off! Was a nice walk although the girls were tired by the end of it! We saw swans, cows, rabbits and baby frogs. In the evening managed to get some blog work done and published a post about the Hajj Fun Game.

Saturday Day 172 – 20th June

Booked Bee in for a karate session last minute. She ended up being the only one there and the instructor let her pick what she wanted to do. She chose fitness and they had a good session and a random chat too. Also popped to the parents house so Bee could practice on her roller skates which arrived today – they have a bigger enclosed driveway so it is safer. She was beginning to get the hang of it before she said she was too tired. I had also ordered some macaroons for fathers day which were delivered today……thought we might as well eat them today seeing as we were already at the parents house! They were delicious.

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