Week 26 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 173
 – 21st June

Last week I had managed to find a slot for Belton House National Trust for the afternoon of today and booked it. It is only afterwards that I realised it was Father’s Day. I almost cancelled it as thought it might be packed but we ended up going. It wasn’t too bad as they were limiting numbers. Was nice to go for a bit of a stroll around the gardens…made a change of scenery.

Also got a new blog post published in my Muslim Mums in Business feature.

Monday Day 174
 – 22nd June

A quiet day. Not much happening today. Just some cooking in the morning and chilling afterwards. I have an instant pot and to be honest I haven’t been impressed with it…I mainly use it to pressure cook things like black eyed beans. Tried boiled rice in it a few times and wasn’t impressed. However gave it another go with simple peas pilau and they weren’t too bad. Might give the pot another chance.

Tuesday Day 175
 – 23rd June

I had said to Bee that I would take her to the park yesterday evening to practice her roller skating but didn’t take her as got lazy, saying I would take her in the morning if she got up early before it got too hot..thinking she wouldn’t get up early. But for once she actually got up early! So I couldn’t go back on my word. It was actually really nice. There were a lot of elderly people there, sitting on benches or walking around and a lot of them joined in to encourage her, saying she could do it. She was getting the hang of it with everyone’s encouragement.

Also managed to get a blog post written: A review on a new hajj related book: Two Pigeons on a Pilgrimage – A Hajj Story.

Wednesday Day 176
 – 24th June

A very hot day today….but for some reason we decided to bake cakes and try to decorate them nicely. Don’t think we did a bad job…although the icing was melting pretty fast…so had to put the cakes in the fridge which made them a bit hot.

Thursday Day 177
 – 25th June

An extremely hot day today….Bee wanted to go to the park in the morning but by the time she woke up it was already pretty hot. So we decided against it. She was booked in for karate in the evening and I was close to cancelling but decided to go….I didn’t think they would work the kids too hard in the heat…and it did seem like they went easy on them. The temp here is showing 35 but it went up to 36 a bit later. The car was hot…but thankfully we had air con so put that on now and then to keep myself and the eldest cool while waiting.

Friday Day 178
 – 26th June

Today was forecast rain from the morning and heavy thunderstorms….so again I said to Bee we couldn’t go to the park. However the forecast kept changing and we just got a slight shower and a couple of thunderclaps…..so of course Bee was a bit annoyed saying we could have gone to the park.

We had some lovely blue sky’s for most of the day and I noticed that I am finally getting some colour on my buddleia.

Saturday Day 179
 – 27th June

Thankfully woke up to a cooler day and some rain. Decided to have a go at making our own pizza from scratch, including the dough and sauce. Last time I made one years back was a disaster so decided to keep the toppings simple this time incase it all went wrong again. However it tasted really good! I ended up making way too much dough so froze some. If the dough turns out OK when defrosted I might continue to make extras and freeze them so I always have dough available. Want to continue to make pizza at home rather than purchase it.

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