Week 28 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 187 – 5th July

Another week of ever changing weather so not much planned again. Today was just a very uneventful Sunday. Checked the plants in the garden and my hydrangeas are doing very well.

Monday Day 188 – 6th July

A bit of sun today so while the sun was out got Bee to dress us up in the dress she received last week from Childrensalon, so I could take some pictures. She will be wearing it at Eid which is in about 3 weeks. Also managed to get a blog post and an IGTV done on the book My Hajj and Eid ul Adha Coloring book. In the afternoon had a school governors meeting via Teams.

Tuesday Day 189 – 7th July

I did a post on instagram about how I was struggling with my prayers and not being able to focus. One of my followers for a long time reached out and said she would like really to gift me a book that helped her. It arrived yesterday and today I started to read it and it already made me think after just a couple of chapters. I do say how toxic social media can be, but at the same time there is also friendship and sisterhood. Also managed to get a blog post done in my Muslim Mums in Business series, featuring Khaista Arts.

Wednesday Day 190 – 8th July

A quiet day….some school work and games in the morning while I had another governors meeting on Teams, and then an afternoon of watching TV. Rosie snuggled up to Bee while she played games.

Thursday Day 191 – 9th July

One of those days where I just got up in a foul mood and didn’t want to do anything. Let the kids get on with their school work and then play on the wii or whatever they wanted to do while I just hid for most of the afternoon in my room. Then in the evening it was Bee’s karate so had to venture out to take her. Hubby arrived home with some mitai (sweets) which his friend had sent to celebrate his sons engagement. Not ideal when you are trying to control your sugar levels! This is the second lot of sweet boxes in two weeks!

Friday Day 192 – 10th July

Feeling really fed up with the rubbish weather. The sun was out first thing but then got cloudy again. The horrible weather really does affect my mood. Feeling so lost these days as to where my life is heading….and don’t know what to do.

Managed to get a review blog post live about Harry Potter Magical Capsules and then pretty much did nothing else except watch TV.

Saturday Day 193 – 11th July

A busy morning. The karate sessions are returning back near to normal. And will be indoors from 20th July. I decided to book Saturdays again. We used to go on a Saturday and frankly we have got so lazy again that we need to get out in the mornings. It is 10.30am so not as though it’s 9am but even then the eldest complained that I was making her get up early! We are usually up just after 9 most mornings anyway! It is nice to get some normality back….but I will admit that I am nervous as cases seem to be rising. Then popped over to the parents to see how they are doing as haven’t seen them for a few weeks.

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