Week 31 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 208
 – 26th July

Nephews 25th birthday today so headed over to the parents with cupcakes for him before he went to work. Ordered a takeaway for lunch and ate before he left for work.

Monday Day 209
 – 27th July

Decided to try to do the Couch to 5k. Was pretty hard just doing Day 1…and I started with good intentions. However the rest of the week slipped by and I didn’t get the rest of the days done…will start again next week.

Tuesday Day 210
 – 28th July

We were a bit bored so decided to start putting up our Eid decorations. Went for the purple and gold theme this time which were gifted by Peacock Supplies. Also managed to get a blog post live about the Disney Plush Classic Range.

Wednesday Day 211
 – 29th July

Decided to walk to the park and let Bee ride her bike to the park..its just less than a mile away. Eldest complained about walking and then when we were close to the park we decided to take a detour and head to the parents house. And we put some decorations up in their conservatory for Eid.

In the evening went to the local gym for a boot camp with some other ladies…all socially distanced and the gym felt pretty quiet to be honest (we were in a separate studio)… so felt pretty safe.

Thursday Day 212
 – 30th July

Eid tomorrow so after waiting for my mini cupcakes delivery for tomorrow, headed to the mums to help her with final preparations for tomorrow. Chicken marinated, meat done for the kebabs, kheer made and mint chutney made. Then headed to get our henna done. Appointment was for 8.00pm but she was running late and we didn’t get ours done until 9pm. Was a bit annoyed to be honest…and even more annoyed the following day when there was hardly any colour and it already started fading. Later that evening heard that an announcement had been made ON TWITTER that from midnight in the North, families were not allowed to meet up with each other in their houses or gardens due to a spike in covid cases. Of course there is going to be a spike as more are being tested. It felt like it was done intentionally to stop Muslim families getting together as we do seem to be getting the blame for its spread. There were many unhappy people in those areas. Some people had already gone to their families houses before the announcement was made, food had already been started to be prepared. Before anyone says that people miss mothers days, weddings, and Easter then yes fair enough…so did we…we missed all those too minus Easter..but we missed an Eid too and no-one moaned. But it was all during lockdown and expected. It was the extremely short notice this time and the way it was done that made people annoyed.

Friday Day 213
 – 31st July

Eid day…got up early to go help mum with the cooking. It is mainly about the food really! Not much else happening. The girls played junior monopoly with their uncle. I did warn them that he will likely cheat but they didn’t listen and then Bee was over dramatic saying he was cheating! But he wouldn’t admit it!

Saturday Day 214
 – 1st August

Technically it is still Eid as this Eid is over 3 days. But not doing anything today really. Karate in the morning and then literally just at home bored as no-one seems to want to do anything or go anywhere. Ended up heading over to the parents in the afternoon/evening for a couple of hours and sat in their garden as there was a nice breeze in comparison to the heatwave yesterday.

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