Week 37 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 250
 – 6th September

A quiet Sunday. It is back to school next week so took it easy today. Let the kids watch TV etc as once they are back at school I will be limiting there screen time again…although to be fair with Bee’s karate and their Quran classes and the eldest’s homework they won’t have much time to watch TV. Spotted this in the garden – hadn’t been out in it much due to not being well the past week and was lovely to see this burst of colour.

Monday Day 251 – 7th September

Back to school for Bee! As it is a new school for her, for the first couple of days only her year will be attending school, and attending in groups of 15, morning or afternoon. Bee had an afternoon session but I still got her up a bit earlier than normal to help her get used to when she does have the early starts. She was nervous but brightened up when she spotted 3 of her friends from her old school – 6 from her old school are at this school so they then played together in break time. She came out happy and saying she loved her teacher and the school. The real test though will be when she goes full time. Then karate in the evening and she got star of the class. A good start to the week.

Tuesday Day 252 – 8th September

Didn’t really do much today. Took Bee to school in the afternoon and then just chilled really. Did a bit of weeding in the garden. Got another red rose. (Looks more pink in the photo thought). Had thought they had finished flowering but looks like I will be getting a few more.

Wednesday Day 253 – 9th September

First full day back at school for the eldest while Bee still on afternoons. Eldest seemed a bit reluctant to go as think she’s gotten used to being at home, plus it is going to get tougher now seeing as it is the start of her GCSE’s. Baked some cookies with Bee in the morning before she headed to school….and by the end of the day had finally finished the jigsaw. Was determined to complete it and then pack it up as it was in the way. The tigers were a bit tough to do.

Thursday Day 254 – 10th September

First day both girls at school for the whole day! House felt a bit quiet! Hubby went to work in the morning and looked for car insurance quotes online as mine is up for renewal. Will be taking the hubby out of the policy as he rarely drives my car…and with two recent accidents in his car it is sure to make my premium go up and I refuse to pay. Then we went to the cash and carry to get some drinks and other bits as Bee will be having packed lunches sometimes instead of school dinners. Then karate after school..have had to change some of her sessions as they now clash with her Quran classes. On the way home stopped at the petrol station and spotted the limited edition Twirl! Love chocolate orange so had to get it!

Friday Day 255 – 11th September

Getting used to the girls being back at school! Dashed to the shops first thing as had run out of the cat’s food and then to the party shop to order balloons for Bee’s birthday next week. With the rules changing again and no more than 6 being allowed to meet up it looks like it will just be a small meal out for her birthday – so getting balloons and banners to make it special for her. Did an IGTV review of a book we recently purchased and also managed to write up a blog post: The Proudest Blue.

Saturday Day 256 – 12th September

Normal routine now of karate in the morning and then an Urdu class for Bee. Neighbour knocked on our door as there was an issue with her medication and she needed to go someone collect it for her before 1pm. She is elderly and not going out as much at the moment. So quickly went to the pharmacy for her. She then gave me £5 for going. Have said to her before as Muslims it is our duty to look out for our neighbours and don’t want paying to help out, and it didn’t cost that much in diesel as it is just down the road. Had to take it in the end as I knew she would just post it through the door later. She then gave Bee some some butterfly ornaments for the garden and later knocked on the door with home grown raspberries for the girls. I am happy to help out and don’t want things in return….but it seems like she doesn’t feel comfortable if she doesn’t do something back. So to avoid arguing on the doorstep just have to accept it. Also decided to cut the grass before the ‘heatwave’ on Monday/Tuesday and did a spot of weeding.

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