Week 44 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 299 – 25th October

After a bit of debating as to whether I wanted to drive for over an hour to take the girls to Bransby Horses, I finally dragged myself out of bed and we went. And glad we did. Was nice to get some fresh air and see the rescued horses. This particular horse wasn’t sure of Bee…walked to a safe distance and then kept staring at her!

Monday Day 300 – 26th October

We had made plans to meet a friend at the country park. The forecast kept changing and showers were forecast after initially saying it was going to be a sunny day. We arrived and there was a shower but thankfully it didn’t last long. We had a nice walk around and Bee and her friend got to ride their bikes. We then headed out to lunch together.

Tuesday Day 301 – 27th October

A quiet day at home today. Bee has got a slight sniffle so decided to stay home in the warm. Tried to get some blog work done. Had been sent these cards to review a few weeks back but only got a chance to play them now.

Wednesday Day 302 – 28th October

Another quiet day to be honest. Bee doesn’t have a temp but seems to have a slight runny nose. However sometimes I think she is just being a bit of a diva. So just binge watched TV for most of the day. A few perfume samples arrived. Quite liked the smell of them both.

Thursday Day 303 – 29th October

Another day of doing absolutely nothing but watch TV and play games. Bee did go to karate in the evening. She has 2 hours on Thursdays and she made star of the class.

Friday Day 304 – 30th October

Decided to treat the girls to breakfast in the morning. We have tried to go to the cafe for lunch after karate on Saturdays but it always looks packed so we never bothered. But thankfully it was quiet in the morning and we had a nice quiet breakfast. And then back home to do nothing really. I had initially booked a National Trust visit but after the heavy rain this week, and the fact that most of it was outdoors I had cancelled. So while the girls did their own thing, I managed to get a blog post live about our visit to Bransby Horses.

My final will also arrived. I now have to sign it in front of two witnesses and then it is done and something I don’t have to worry about anymore.

Saturday Day 305 – 31st October

Karate in the morning for Bee. While she was at karate myself and the eldest nipped to Krispy Kreme to get some of their halloween inspired doughnuts!

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