Spending Some Time at Bransby Horses – Rescue and Welfare

The girls are huge animal lovers and are always keen to go to places where there are animals, in particular where the animals are rescues. This was shown by them picking to go to a Donkey Sanctuary in the Isle of Wight! So when a friend mentioned Bransby Horses I just knew I had to take them.

Bransby Horses – Rescue and Welfare

Bransby Horses was was founded in 1968 by Mr Peter Hunt and is a non profit organisation based in Bransby, Lincolnshire. As a rescue for equines, the the organisation rehabilitates them. It also gives them sanctuary care and offers equine advice and support to owners.

Things to do

Meet the horses

Obviously one of the things to do is to see the horses. If you have sponsored a horse you can meet your horse.Due to the current situation with the virus, the organisation is open on restricted times and not all of the horses will be out. Therefore it is best if you phone beforehand to check the horse you have sponsored is there.

At the moment there are restrictions on touching the horses but you can still have a walk around and get close to them.


There are signs throughout the site with various snippets of information, so you can learn as you walk around.


It is always worth checking to see if there are any events running when you go. As we visited during half term there was a Fairy and Dragons Trail that the children can participate in. Children have to look out for clues which then make up a word.

However note that there is a charge for participating but children receive a prize at the end for completing it.

Enjoy A Walk

The site is based on over 600 acres with 300 horses on site. However note that some of the walkways are currently restricted but when you enter you are provided with a map with a recommended 40 minute walk which is buggy and wheelchair friendly.

Lunch Options

If you want to make a full day of it then there is a cafe at the visitor centre. However, as we did not go into the cafe I can’t comment about the prices and food. There are also picnic areas available should you choose to take a picnic and a play area but due to current restrictions the play area by the picnic area is not open.

Even though some things are restricted, we still enjoyed the few hours that we spent there in the fresh air saying hello to the horses.

Entry to Bransby Horses is free with free parking. However any additional events may have a charge and of course donations are always welcome to support their work. To learn more, head over to their website Bransby Horses.

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