Week 50 of 2020 – Project 366

Sunday Day 341 – 6th December

Our Sunday’s are generally quiet these days. So it’s usually a film and tech kind of day. Rosie found my husbands back pack and made it her cushion. I got some blog work done and completed a review of a new book Quranic Infographics.

Monday Day 342 – 7th December

Woke up to frost covering everything, the trees and plants were all white. Popped to the shops straight after Bee’s school run with hubby as Dad had asked me to get a perfume for mums birthday on Wednesday. Also went to Primark to get the girls some new pyjamas. It was quiet but was getting busier as we left but we were home by 10am. I then had a governor meeting at 10.30. That lasted around an hour and after that I had to take dad for his iron infusion at 1pm. I wasn’t allowed to stay with him even though I said sometimes he can get confused and not always answer questions correctly…but they still wouldn’t let me stay. I was told it would take about an hour and they took my number to call me when dad was done. I told dad to make sure he called me once the infusion was done as I was going home. At 2pm I decided to head back as I was concerned that dad would forget to call me. At 3pm just as I was considering going to get a hot drink from a nearby Costa as I was freezing, I saw dad walk out and head off in the wrong direction. I was right in that he would forget to ring me!

Tuesday Day 343 – 8th December

Hubby goes to a gym in the mornings before the school run and there is a Lidl next door. He popped in to get some fruit and nuts and the smell of freshly baked croissants tempted him and he brought home 2 bag fulls. The eldest got on with her school work, this time more teachers are doing live lessons and proper work is being set which is keeping her busy. So much better than when she was in self isolation. I also managed to get the latest post in my Muslim Mums in Business series live

Wednesday Day 344 – 9th December

As I was getting Bee ready for school and almost ready to leave, I received emails saying that she has to stay at home until 21st December because she has been in close contact with a positive case. That now means I have both girls home until 5th January. Bee was a bit miffed that she was missing Christmas Lunch today and the making of decorations. In some ways I am relieved as I will now be happier taking them to see their grandparents over the Christmas period. I was initially concerned that on the school website there was no work for her to do but by the afternoon I received a call from the school saying work would be emailed out for this week and some work packs posted out. An email was received early afternoon by Bee’s teacher with her work for the day. It was also mums birthday today. I had somehow messed up a macaron order for her birthday…I thought it was confirmed but the baker said it wasn’t so I went and got some flowers and cake from the shop and dropped them off. Then a virtual governor meeting in the evening.

Contacted Bee’s karate to see if they had made provisions for those being forced to isolate but nothing except one session online a week on Wednesday’s with an instructor she doesn’t really know and a class of kids she barely knows. We tried it but she wasn’t comfortable. So now I am having to pay for a further 2 weeks for nothing. The money for this month had gone out at the start of the month otherwise I would have cancelled it. I feel like they have done nothing for those that supported them throughout lockdown by continuing to pay even with limited classes. Regret it now. How hard can it be to stick a camera in the class and let kids follow them from home?

Thursday Day 345 – 10th December

A quiet day of school work for both girls. Bee has to use my laptop as the third one we have in the house is cheap and pretty slow…which means any work I have online is put on hold. Her workbooks from school arrived which I think we have to use from next week.

Friday Day 346 – 11th December

Another quiet day of school work for the girls and then watching TV in the evening. Treated the girls to fish and chips in the evening as they missed fish and chips at school today.

Got a text through that dad can book for the vaccine now. Phoned him and told him and he’s thinking about whether to have it.

Saturday Day 347 – 12th December

Woke up feeling a bit meh. Can’t go anywhere due to Bee having to isolate until the 21st. Felt drained, and the miserable day was not helping and not in the mood to do anything…so a day of TV and screens it was.

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