Muslim Mums in Business – Earth Custodians

My Muslim Mums in Business series focus’s on inspirational Muslim women, who are balancing the art of motherhood along with running businesses.

Please introduce yourself and your business.

I’m Umm Ubaidullah, writer of Hajj activity booklet that comes with reward stickers and 2 coloring Eid cards with lots of free printables as well. My most famous printable about “diversity in Islam ” got translated into 5 different languages including French, Spanish, Portuguese,  Russian and Bosnian Alhamdulillah 

What inspired you to start working from home? Did anyone in particular inspire you?

Being a homeschooling mother in lockdown I felt the need to educate kids about Islam and to make something creative for them. It was 1st hajj in lockdown and there weren’t lots of booklets available at that time to educate Muslim kids. Then shipments being delayed or cancelled because of global pandemic was an issue. That inspired me to utilize my teaching skills (I’m licensed teacher as well with 6+ years of teaching experience) and prepare something fun and creative for kids Alhamdulillah.

Is your family supportive of you being a working mother?

It was challenging to prepare something out of nothing within a month time period in lockdown that I felt like giving up. My husband and my sister were the biggest support to help me and keep motivating me.

What are the main challenges you face as a mum and an entrepreneur?

Its challenging to work while staying at home and educating your own kids as well but I chose this difficult path with a cause behind it Alhamdulillah. My mission is to break typical stereotype of education being in 4 walled classroom.

Describe a typical working day. Are there specific times in the day that you work on your business?

Being a homeschooling mom with small kids I find really hard to make any specific routine especially in lockdown when you can’t have access to the public library either. So I work whenever I feel my kids are busy with their free play Alhamdulillah.

Where would you like to see your business in the future?

I would love to prepare other educational stuff for kids in future inshaAllah and my mission is to make my work accessible for kids across the globe inshaAllah in multiple languages. The biggest motivation behind my work is when I see kids taking benefit from my work Alhamdulillah. I want to give dawah through my work to all non Muslims as well inshaAllah and to teach them about the true religion of Islam. My main goal isn’t to earn because rizq/wealth is written from Allah and no one can stop it from reaching you if Allah wills inshaAllah.

Thank you sister Umm Ubaidullah for taking part in my series. If you’re interested in knowing more about Umm Ubaidulla’s work, then visit her on social media: Instagram and Facebook.

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