The Start Of a New Year – Week 1 of 2021 – Project 365

It’s not really been a great start to 2021. It’s a lockdown again, so no meeting up with anyone. Just hoping things improve as the year goes on.

Friday 1 January – Day 1

Dad’s 81st birthday today. Ordered him some cupcakes, made him some Biryani and Bee made a birthday card for him.

Satursday 2 January – Day 2

A bit of a jigsaw day today. Helped Bee make the edges but then told her to do the rest herself. I know she is capable of doing it. If I helped it would be done far too quickly. I also sadly had to step down as a school governor so emailed the chair today. There are some changes coming up which have made me realise I can’t commit as much as I have been, thankfully the chair was understanding. I will miss being part of the team.

Sunday 3 January – Day 3

A day of not really doing much. None of us were in the mood to do anything. Screens it was. So here’s a picture of Rosie as she settled on the sofa with us.

Monday 4 January – Day 4

No school for the girls as the eldest doesn’t go back until the 18th and for Bee it was a staff training day. However there was talk of the schools shutting and it was confirmed by the end of the day that the schools are shut until at least mid February. Home learning it is then! Decided to make some fake snow which was on her sheet of winter challenges. She seemed to enjoy it but then didn’t really play with it so felt it was a waste of bicarb of soda!

Tuesday 5 January – Day 5

Started receiving emails from the schools late yesterday evening and today they emailed a timetable for Bee. She will be having online Literacy and Maths every morning with her teachers and in the afternoons it will either be live classes or some work set. Pleased that there will be some live classes this time. Eldest will also be having online classes. As online classes start from tomorrow for the girls I helped Bee tidy her bedroom and her desk ready to start work tomorrow.

Wednesday 6 January – Day 6

Feeling a bit lazy so just spent most of the morning in bed. While the girls got on with their classes I caught up with some blog comments and other blogging stuff. Rosie kept me company. Managed to get a blog post live in my Muslim Mums in Business Series.

Thursday 7 January – Day 7

Had to go for a blood test today for a check up of basically everything. Took the husband along with me as sometimes I end up feeling a bit faint if they don’t get it right the first time. My veins can be hard to find and the local nurses hardly ever get it on the first attempt. And thats exactly what happened. As soon as she was prodding about looking for it I just knew she wouldn’t get it and she didn’t. Wearing a mask didn’t help either and I got anxious and felt light headed. She got me some water but then wasn’t confident enough to try on my other arm and said she would book me for another appointment at the hospital at the weekend. Later got a call to confirm its on Saturday.

Friday 8 January – Day 8

Feeling a bit fed up today. Girls got on with their classes and I managed to get a blog post live about gifts for a new muslim baby. I curled up on the sofa with my blanket and started a new book on the Kindle.

Saturday 9 January – Day 9

Another day as per usual of nothing much. I had to go for the 2nd attempt at a blood test. Thankfully this nurse seemed more confident and she got it at the first try even though the blood coming out was pretty slow (she needed about 4 bottles). The needle was uncomfortable and hurt a bit and she said she will take it out if it was uncomfortable but I said I would rather not come back and to just get it done! Thankfully because she managed it the first time I didn’t end up feeling faint this time. Then an afternoon of just chilling and Bee brought almost all her teddies down into the living room to play with.

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