Week 2 of 2021 – Project 365

It is hard to know what pictures to take and share to be honest. We aren’t doing much, home educating in the morning/afternoon and just chilling in the evening.

Sunday 10 January – Day 10

We didn’t really do much at all today but the day still ended up passing by quickly! I had a parcel come and then Rosie decided to play with the bubble wrap which amused the girls.

Monday 11 January – Day 11

Hubby had a day off from work and he was meant to take dad to his hearing appointment because I had a telephone consultation booked in at the same time. As he was about to walk out the door to take dad I received a phonecall cancelling dad’s appointment and rearranging it for next week. Glad I managed to catch him before he left and ended up at the parents house. Bee has been asking to go on the treadmill after seeing me walk on it so her dad gave her some training today and she now knows how to use it…she seems keen to walk on it regularly…..will see how long that lasts!

Tuesday 12 January – Day 12

I had asked hubby to go to work late today as the eldest had an orthodontist appointment and I couldn’t leave Bee home alone to do her online classes. Eldest was a bit upset at the thought of having the braces tightened again and being in pain again for a few days….but when she arrived home she was happy! They had taken the braces off! We hadn’t been expecting that. She has to go back on Friday to get her retainers. Dad then called me to tell me he had received a letter cancelling his second does of his vaccination on Sunday because the government have decided to wait at least 12 weeks rather than the 3 weeks recommended by those that created the vaccine. There has been no research done on it being left for that long so I find it slightly concerning and feel that the public are being used as guinea pigs. Forgot to take a picture of anything apart from Rosie.

Wednesday 13 January – Day 13

Not a lot happening today either to be honest. While the girls were doing their classes I got an IGTV live of a book I was sent to review.

Thursday 14 January – Day 14

Not a lot happening again today. Girls got on with their classes….I just read and watched some Netflix. Rosie just slept all day. There was a slight sprinkling of snow but it didn’t settle.

Friday 15 January – Day 15

Had to take the eldest to get her retainers. She has to wear them all the time for 3 months and just take them out for eating….and then after the 3 months wear them when she goes to sleep. She was given an appointment in July to check that all is OK. Realised I need to move the car a bit more as it struggled to start and gave me an Engine Malfunction warning. Thankfully after switching it off and on it was ok. But hubby said he will ask his friend to give it a once over soon. I then managed to get a blog post live for a book review: Turning the Tide.

I had ordered a doll for my great niece as it looks like I won’t be able to see her for a while so decided to just post some gifts. The doll arrived today and she is lovely!

Had a meeting in the evening as I am thinking to get involved in a local project and it was finding out about that, does seem like hard work but will be worth it if we can pull it off.

Saturday 16 January – Day 16

Did debate whether to go out for a walk today but we felt cold and I think we have gotten a bit lazy and just used to staying at home. Did a bit of reading, watching TV, Bee did a bit of colouring and in the evening ordered a takeaway as I was craving some chicken strips.

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