Week 5 of 2021 – Project 365

Another week of not doing much! This Project 365 is getting a bit dull!

Sunday 31 January – Day 31

Not much planned or happening today. We had a bit of a movie marathon and just chilled for most of the day with popcorn and films.

Monday 1 February– Day 32

Hubby had the day off work today and we decided to start decluttering the house before the summer comes. The plan is to start with the cupboard under the stairs, and then the storage cupboard in our bedroom next week. We managed to get rid of quite a few things and now there is some space in the cupboard under the stairs so some things from the cupboard in the bedroom can be moved downstairs.

I also took dad for another hearing appointment. Hadn’t started the car in days and it did struggle slightly. Need to make sure I start it regularly. I assumed dad was now going to be seeing the consultant but they had messed up and it was the exact same appointment as before. The audiologist apologised and said it is all a bit of a mess, and just had a look in dads ears. He thinks there might be fluid in there and did another pressure test. The consultant then rang an hour later and said the pressure test doesn’t seem to indicate that there is fluid. And then he said he would refer dad for some hearing aids. He was meant to have done that last time we spoke so now I am worried it won’t get done again.

Tuesday 2 February – Day 33

Was craving a chinese style chicken dish that the hubby makes and he made it in the morning for us before he went off to work. He had cooked so much that I dropped some off to dad and he loved it too.

Wednesday 3 February – Day 34

Girls got on with their classes and I just relaxed for most of the day. Rosie cuddled up to me on the sofa too…we were both as lazy as each other. I got a blog post live about baby girls in Islam as sick of the cultural attitude that boys are better.

Thursday 4 February – Day 35

Another pic of Rosie today. She loves this bag for some reason…she climbs in and then sits in it watching what we get up to! She is strange!

Friday 5 February – Day 36

Was determined to get out for a walk today as the eldest had been given a screen free day from school and it was sunny and next week a lot of rain and snow is forecast. This squirrel was proper staring at us. Then I realised why – a lot of people were coming to the park to feed the squirrels and they expect food now. One lady was even managing to stroke one as it took nuts from her hands. Bee now wants to take food for them next time go!

While decluttering on the Monday I had found my old tamagotchi and giga pet. Had ordered some batteries and they arrived today….put then in and both of them worked so gave them to the girls to have a play with.

Saturday 6 February – Day 37

I had a bit of an emergency yesterday and ended up leaving my car at the parents last night so picked it up first thing this morning. One of their neighbours son saw us outside and came to tell us our neighbour had passed away during the night. She was over 90 and it was sad as she was a lovely lady. Her family had been staying with her for the past 2 weeks as she had been deteriorating health wise.

I didn’t sleep very well last night so was tired for most of the day. I don’t usually nap during the day but had a nap while the girls watched TV and then it was watching evening TV. The kids watch the masked singer but to be honest it does my head in….but still get sucked in with the guessing game.

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