Week 24 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 13th June – Day 163

A quiet Sunday. I repainted the wall that had gone stripy and thankfully this time it turned out ok. A friend had given Bee a candle making kit and we made those today.

Monday 14th June – Day 164

Popped to the shops before hubby headed to work to get some bits and got tempted by the Kulfi ice cream.

Tuesday 15th June – Day 165

Not a lot happening today to be honest. Too hot to do anything. Bit of cooking and noticed some more clematis had flowered in the garden. Then mum phoned to let me know their yellow budgie had died. He was quite old and he hadn’t looked well recently.

Wednesday 16th June – Day 166

A quiet day. Caught up with some blog stuff and got a review for a book live: An Ocean in One Drop – The Tale of Hajar in Hajj

Thursday 17th June – Day 167

Got up early as had a growth scan and a placenta check (which is low lying) at 8.40am. Hubby left to take the kids to school and as I was getting ready to go to my appointment I had a major bleed. I phoned the maternity ward who told me to go in ASAP and to call an ambulance if I was alone. I waited till hubby got home as I felt well in myself apart from the bleed and knew he wouldn’t be long…plus I was still on the toilet waiting for the bleeding to ease off. I got to hospital feeling quite well but then suddenly deteriorated. MW was concerned about baby’s heart beat and hit the emergency button. Lots of people came running in, got me into a gown, put cannulas in both hands, gave me a steroid injection to strengthen baby’s lungs, magnesium to help with brain development. All the panic and the meds led to my blood pressure dropping which led to baby’s heart beat going down again. They told me to call hubby back quickly as it was likely I was going into theatre. However they managed to stabilise us both before being taken into theatre and decided to monitor us instead. They then didn’t let me eat all day just incase they did decide to do a c-section. They finally let me eat at 10pm when they decided that we were both stable enough not to have a c-section.

Friday 18th June – Day 168

Another day in hospital with monitoring. They wanted to move me from the delivery suite to the maternity ward. Baby was stable but due to the steroid injections (had my second one in the morning) my sugar levels had gone crazy. Apparently that can happen for 24 hours after the injections. They eventually decided to put me on an insulin drip as the levels were too high and then checked my levels every hour until 4am when they finally stabilised. I had to stay in the delivery suite for the insulin monitoring.

Saturday 19h June – Day 169

Thankfully both myself and the baby stable now and the doctor said I could go home after one final monitoring of the baby so they hooked me back onto the machines. However they noticed that baby’s heartbeat was higher than what it was yesterday and the machine was also picking up tightenings. They then decided to use another machine which is more sensitive and which will turn green when it has assessed everything and is happy…it has an hour to turn green. It turned green at 53 mins but for some reason the doctor was still cautious and asked for it to be done again in 2 hours. When it was repeated it didn’t turn green and they decided that I wasn’t going home and I got admitted to the maternity ward to be monitored again which they did at 11pm and it showed all was ok. Now just have to wait to see if they send me home in the morning. I ended up missing Bee’s belt testing and I was gutted about that, but she did well and got her brown belt.

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