Week 48 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 28th November – Day 331

A quiet Sunday again as usual. Found this chocolate bar in the kitchen that hubby had brought home last night when he got in for work. It’s quite nice!

Monday 29th November – Day 332

Our 6 monthly check up with the dentist. Girls had to leave school half an hour early. Took baby with us and the dentist was pleased to meet her…she’s been our family dentist for a while. She agreed to add her as a patient when she is a bit older thankfully – there is a shortage of dentists in our area at the moment that are taking on NHS patients.

Tuesday 30th November – Day 333

I have had my eye on a Hotel Chocolat Velvitiser for a while. During the Black Friday sales I decided I deserve a treat and purchased it. It arrived today and we tested it out when the girls got home from school. We all love it. Baby turned 4 months today and had her third lot of immunisations. Thankfully all done now until she is 12 months old. Hubby then phoned to say he was waiting for the breakdown lot as his car had broken down….he thinks the clutch had gone.

Wednesday 1st December – Day 334

It turns out his gear box had gone. We can’t afford a brand new one right now so the mechanic tried to source one from scrap yards. He found one in Birmingham. Hubby wanted to go immediately as without his car he can’t work. I tried to add him onto my car insurance but they refused as he is a taxi driver…not as though he was going to use my car for jobs!! Managed to get him temp day insurance so he could drive it. My dad then had to pick up the girls from school. I would have made them walk but eldest had a sixth form interview after school and Bee couldn’t walk home alone. Eldest has been given a place in sixth form for A-levels provided she gets the results she’s predicted for her GCSE’s and does a bit better in Maths.

I had signed up for a baby subscription box and had forgot to cancel. The next box arrived and it was Christmas theme. The book is lovely though and decided to offer it up as a giveaway on my instagram.

Thursday 2nd December – Day 335

Hubby’s car got fixed by the end of the day thankfully so back to work tomorrow. I took the baby’s 4 month photo which I had forgotten to take on Tuesday. Not much else happening.

Friday 3rd December – Day 336

A quiet Friday – decided to try out the hot chocolate with Oat milk. Tasted quite nice. Also managed to get a blog post published in my Muslim Mums in Business series featuring mypraisebeads.

Saturday 4th December – Day 337

Not much planned today. Bee at karate in the morning and I tried to do blog stuff. Karate are doing a Christmas party where they give out awards but have decided not to send her. I am not ready to go into large crowds with baby, especially with new variants of the virus being discovered.

Took some pictures of baby with some teething gel we were sent for when she starts teething. I think she may have started as she seems to be biting the teats when I give her a bottle. Took some other pics of her too while I was in the mood. I will get some professional pics done when she is about 6 months…I did that with the other two girls too at that age.

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