Week 49 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 5th December – Day 338

Usual quiet Sunday. Dug out my kindle and charged it. Determined to fit in some reading as want to do something I enjoy. Feel like I am losing myself again.

Monday 6th December – Day 339

Was taking part in a twitter part today with Steiff. Had been sent these keyrings to take part.

Tuesday 7th December – Day 340

Had ordered some clothes for baby during the Black Friday sales from Gap. They arrived today. I always wait till sales and stock up on the next size for the kids. The eldest has lately been into Star Wars so got the baby a star wars related outfit! Had a bit of road rage on the school run. I leave home to time it so that by the time I get there the girls have arrived at the car park. Sadly some inconsiderate parents don’t want to go into the car park and do a u-turn on the side road even though the schools keep asking them not to. Today some parents had parked on the double yellow lines completing blocking the lane so I couldn’t get through to the car park. After a couple of minutes I put my hand on the horn and they still didn’t move..then the first car was faffing about with his boot so got out and shouted at them to move. Was so annoyed, they aren’t the only ones that need to pick up their kids.

Wednesday 8th December – Day 341

Hubby often takes Wednesday off work as well as Thursday but after the unexpected car expense last week he decided to go today. Baby has been a bit fussy again last couple of days. I think she is teething as everything goes in her mouth…including her doll.

Thursday 9th December – Day 342

Mum’s birthday today. Picked up the girls from school and headed straight to mums with cake. Couldn’t stay too long though as eldest had maths tuition and Bee had to go karate. Cake was yum though!

Friday 10th December – Day 343

Bee loves watching You Tube drawing tutorials. She hasn’t done it for a while but her karate was cancelled due to belt testing happening so she decided to do a bit of drawing. She made this for me.

Saturday 11th December – Day 344

Bee at karate in the morning and then just chilling. Hubby came home from work again with more treats…muffins, a cake and a chocolate orange bar…….think I need to have a word and tell him not to as my diet keeps going out the window!

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