2022 – Week 1 of Project 365

And I am back with another round of Project 365. I was going to stop doing this as I am not doing much these days and my photos are pretty boring. But as baby gets older we will do more exciting things so sticking with it. I just won’t stress if we don’t have a picture a day.

It has been a quiet week as we get ready to go back to school.

Day 1 – Saturday 1 January

Dad’s 82nd birthday. Had ordered some cupcakes but the baker had forgot to make them. She offered to make them by the end of the day but I didn’t want to be at the parents that late. So got my nephew to grab a cake from Morrisons. However as the baker is a family friend she still brought over some cakes in the evening for dad.

Day 2 – Sunday 2 January

A quiet Sunday of watching TV and generally chilling. Hubby brought home these. They were quite nice.

Day 3 – Monday 3 January

Hubby and Bee decided to have a day out before back to school. They ended up going to Windsor Castle. I’m still not ready to go on long journeys with baby yet so stayed at home with the eldest who also didn’t want to go. They brought us home some biryani and kebabs. Also finally booked a baby Music Bugs group for baby to start next week….time to get out and not hide away.

Day 4 – Tuesday 4 January

Decided to get baby a jumperoo. However didn’t want to get brand new one as it is a lot of money if she then doesn’t like it. I don’t often get secondhand things as I am wary. However got this for £20 off FB marketplace. Gave it a thorough inspection and clean and she was a bit shocked initially when I put her in, but seemed to like it. She does seem a bit small for it so won’t be putting her in it much for now.

Day 5 – Wednesday 5 January

Older two girls back to school today. House was really quiet without them and I missed their help with baby. Baby will be 6 months at the end of this month so I am slowly starting to get the weaning things I need. Haven’t decided yet if I am going to attempt Baby Led Weaning or stick with purees like I did with the other two. Will see.

Day 6 – Thursday 6 January

Back to karate after school today for Bee after a break over the holidays. She came back as star of the class.

Day 7 – Friday 7 January

A chilled out day with baby. She likes her jumperoo but I am not letting her stay in it for long. She still hasn’t quite figured out the whole jumping part yet.

Day 8 – Saturday 8 January

Hubby had brought home these biscuits last night. The salted caramel ones are really nice. But told him to stop bringing home so many treats as I have no self control!

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