2022 – Week 27 of Project 365

Another quiet week to be honest…..

Day 184 – Sundday 3 July

A quiet Sunday as usual, did consider going out to the park but then couldn’t be bothered. My hollyhocks are finally blooming.

Day 185 – Monday 4 July

Hubby decided to treat us to a omelette roll from Chaiwalla before he went to work. To be honest I thought it wasn’t worth the price…he can make a better omelette at home.

Day 186 – Tuesday 5 July

I won some sauces from Kebabish which my nephew collected yesterday for me. Looking forward to trying them. Changed Minu’s baby group to the afternoon…I did prefer the morning session as felt more comfortable with the mums in that session. Will see how it goes with this one.

Day 187 – Wednesday 6 July

We are reviewing some online classes which are life skill classes. Bee had her first session today and she seemed to be getting involved and enjoying it.

Day 188 – Thursday 7 July

Couldn’t decide whether to get a trike for Minu, there were differing opinions when I asked about it on Instagram. Decided to try a second hand one as it is a lot of money to waste if she doesn’t like it. Found one for £15 and hubby collected it today. She seemed to love it as soon as she sat in it.

Day 189 – Friday 8 July

The heat is making Minu nap longer I think…she slept for over 3 hours which isn’t normal for her. NOt sure if it is the heat or teething….or even a growth spurt! We are celebrating Eid ul Adha on Sunday so the girls got their henna done. I didn’t bother as I knew I wouldn’t be able to sit there waiting for it to dry with Minu wanting attention. Maybe next year.

Day 190 – Saturday 9 July

A hot day. Don’t really feel like doing much in this heat. A bit of water play in the evening when we got some shade in the garden.

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