Week 35 of Project 365

Final week of the summer holidays. This year we didn’t go on a break anywhere but fitted in a few days out which were nice. Looking forward to getting a bit of routine back.

Day 240 – Sunday 28 August

A quiet day at home. Played in the garden and just generally chilled. Minu is a lot more confident with her walking now so she pretty much practiced her walking all day.

Day 241 – Monday 29 August

Another quiet day. Didn’t do much. No photos.

Day 242 – Tuesday 30 August

Met up with Bee’s friend and mum at Flip Out for an hour. Took Minu to the toddler area and I wasn’t impressed. Was totally run down. The plastic wrap on the poles was peeling off and the sponge underneath was exposed which she started to pick to try to eat….and to add insult to injury I had to pay £8 just to go in with her to watch over her. But she enjoyed herself. I won’t be bringing her back to this one as there are other soft plays in the area which are much better for the toddlers. The older girls had fun though, that section has recently been done up so was in a much better condition.

Day 243 – Wednesday 31 August

A quiet day today. Suddenly remembered that Bee had picked shoes with laces for school and she doesn’t know how to tie laces. The eldest said she would try teaching her…so I could hear a lot of bunnies and bunny ears talk…and frustrated sighs…so I took over. She got it fairly quickly.

Day 244 – Thursday 1 September

Hubby took today off and asked if we wanted to go anywhere. Eldest had mentioned going to Tropical Birdland in Leicestershire as it’s been a while since we last went. Decided to go there as knew all 3 girls would love it. Had a good day but was tired by the end of it as hubby decided to head in the opposite direction for some dinner in Birmingham…so by the time we got home it was almost 8pm and Minu had started getting really grumpy in the car in the final hour. Just sharing a quick reel I made about our visit. Also managed to get a post live about Unicones when we got back.

Day 245 – Friday 2 September

Hubby took today off too as he had worked for 7 days in a row and wanted a rest. He had initially said we would go somewhere today but we were all too tired. Went to the shops in the morning instead as wanted to get some cardigans for Minu in preparation for the colder weather. I won’t be putting on the heating too early this year with all the price increases. Then decided to try Minu on one of the rides to see if she liked it…..noticed they have card readers now so I won’t be able to use the excuse that I have no change whenever she spots one in the future! Bee had fight night in the evening and was so pleased her dad was home so could take her…I didn’t fancy chasing around after Minu for up to 3 hours. She did well and got 2nd place.

Day 246 – Saturday 3 September

Karate in the morning for Bee and then the hairdresser came round to give the girls a cut before back to school. She even trimmed Minu’s hair for free to stop her fringe going in her eyes. Thankfully she didn’t freak out as by then she had got used to the hairdresser and was even trying to get her things. Spotted our sunflower in the garden….we planted them late this year and ended up with tiny ones.

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