Project 365 – Week 2 of 2023

The second week of January! We are getting back into the routine of school and toddler groups. This week is all about Minnie the cat and getting her settled into her what is hopefully her forever home.

Week 2 – 8th January to 14th January 2023

Day 8 – Sunday

Went in the morning to collect Minnie. Got there and in the excitement realised I had forgotten to take the cat carrier…so back home to collect it! Got home and the plan was to keep her in the conservatory to let her settle, but she snuck out when the door was open to explore and Minu’s excited screams frightened her and she ended up behind the kitchen cupboards (we have a gap in the skirting boards which she got through). She pretty much spent all day behind the cupboards…only coming out when she felt it was safe to use the litter tray and then eat. She ventured out in the evening when Minu was asleep to explore and get some fuss from the rest of us.

Day 9 – Monday

The plan had been to go to a mums meet up in the morning at 9.30. But Minu woke up a bit late and I still have a slight cough so decided that for today I was going to stay away from mums and little children. Plus I also wanted to stay at home to keep an eye on Minnie. Hubby got me some cake before he left for work.

Day 10 – Tuesday

Back to our weekly Tuesday group. Was nice to get out and about again. This group is always fun.

Day 11 – Wednesday

Our Wednesday toddler group and got home and Minu had her lunch and nap. That then gave me some time to spend with Minnie. She is still scared of Minu so the only time I tend to see her is when Minu is asleep. She loved a bit of fuss and was purring away. I keep swaying from keeping her and also returning her as don’t think it’s fair on her if she’s frightened of Minu. But guess I should give it a bit longer.

Day 12 – Thursday

Hubby was home today and Minnie was nervous again…think it was just extra noisy for her. She hid pretty much all day only venturing out in the evening. Hubby got some cake from a different cake shop we had spotted on a previous occasion. They were quite nice.

Day 13 – Friday

Considered taking Minu to a toddler group but she had woken up earlier than usual and was grumpy…I knew she would end up napping earlier than her usual time of 12.30/1. I was right as she fell asleep just before 11 in my lap…and then didn’t wake up till past 2…and that was because I woke her up to have some lunch before the school run. She clearly needed a long nap. As the house was quiet, Minnie was a bit braver and she came and sat next to me on the sofa.

Day 14 – Saturday

I had Scouts related meeting in the morning so hubby went to work a bit late so he could keep an eye on the kids. Then Bee had a birthday party in the afternoon. Not much else happening. Minnie ventured upstair while Minu was having her nap….she watched me eating an ice lolly and then she jumped on the bed and stared at Minu before cautiously coming up to her and sniffing her. Hopefully they can become friends soon but I’m guessing it won’t happen until she stops screaming in excitement when she sees the cat.

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