Project 365 – Week 7 of 2023

Half term week so some activities planned, a much more interesting week than usual.

Week 7 – 12th February to 18th February 2023

Day 43 – Sunday

Bee had a competition at her dojo today. It ended up a very long day as she was fighting in 4 categories so we were there from 1.15 to 7.30 and we were so tired by the end of it. Thankfully they have a play area downstairs which today was actually open until that kept Minu entertained for a while. But to be fair she did really well and only really started to get upset around 6.30/7..which was understandable as thats when she has her dinner and milk. Bee won in one category and was runner up in the others..but she fought really well…often only losing by one point.

Day 44 – Monday

We had planned to meet some friends at a local cafe and soft play so we went. But we were still feeling exhausted after the long day yesterday….even Minu slept in late…but we managed to get there at the arranged time. Was nice to meet up with some friends even if it was just a 90 minute session. I then got annoyed as for some reason the staff there insisted we order drinks first and then food after…all I wanted was a milkshake and some nachos but she wanted to take the order separately. I was tired and grumpy and it didn’t make sense…so I said fine we won’t order any food….and I took the girls to another cafe afterwards for some better food.

Minnie is definitely in heat as she was worse today. Cats Protection got back to me and it appears that there is a test they can do to check her hormones to see if she is neutered or not…but from her behaviour I would be surprised if she is. They just need to check if their vets have the test and then will book her in for it.

Day 45 – Tuesday

Hubby’s friend is over from the UAE and he has come to visit us a couple of times and this time it was our turn to go as he is leaving at the weekend. I initially said I wasn’t going to go as its a 3 hour drive to Blackburn and the thought of it with Minu was scaring me. In the end I agreed and told hubby I was going to drive there and he can deal with her on the way there and we will swap on the way back. Surprisingly she was really good in the car and played but didn’t nap…so she was a bit grumpy there. She did eventually nap there but still wasn’t in the best of moods when she woke up. She was a bit more whiny on the way home, but putting on some kids stuff on the mobile kept her entertained for most of it. I am a bit more happier now about going on longer journeys with her.

Day 46 – Wednesday

Hubby’s birthday and he decided to take today off work too. Initially he was going to take Thursday off and we were going to the zoo…but I have been feeling really drained recently and another trip out didn’t appeal. Plus with the zoo’s doing the £3 offer had heard it was really packed and I didn’t fancy going when it was so busy. As he hadn’t planned to take today off I had arranged with a friend to go to a local small petting farm as it was free during half term. It turned out to be much smaller than we thought so only really spent about an hour or so there but the kids had fun feeding the goats and playing on the play equipment…although it was a bit muddy! Then got home and had a takeaway to celebrate hubby’s birthday.

Popped over to the parents and got a suitcase down from their attic for the eldest to take on her trip to America which is at the end of the month. I had ordered her a new one from Dunelm but then got an email saying that it was no longer in stock! Well it saved me £55.

Day 47 – Thursday

A lazy day….I think Sunday drained us all…and since then we have just been feeling tired….was actually nice to do nothing except take Bee to her karate later in the evening. No pictures. Got a message from Cats Protection to take Minnie for her test on Monday but it was at an inconvenient time and can’t really juggle the cat and toddler. So they managed to rearrange it for next Thursday in the morning when hubby is home…so he can look after Minu.

Day 48 – Friday

Another quiet day. I had booked a hair cut and colour at home. I had been wanting to get my hair done since last year but other expenses kept popping up. I finally managed to treat myself and it felt so good to actually do something for myself. The hairdresser thankfully puts up with the kids and their chatter! No pictures as can’t share my hair online!

Day 49 – Saturday

Karate in the morning for Bee and myself and the eldest started watching some trashy TV, Dubai Bling. I don’t normally watch these reality shows as feel like they are a waste of time but as it was Dubai I was intrigued and then got hooked! Hubby came home from work with more chocolate.

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