Project 365 – Weeks 16 and 17 of 2023

Final week of Ramadan and then Eid celebrations.

Weeks 16 and 17 – 16 April to 29 April 2023

Day 106 – Sunday

A quiet Sunday just pottering about. My tomato plants that a friend gave me are doing well.

Day 107 – Monday

A friend popped round with her two daughters and we had a lovely morning playing in the garden. It tired out Minu who fell asleep as soon as they are left. She played really well with them and was happy to share her things. Also managed to get a review live for a Messi Training System.

Day 108 – Tuesday

The older girls went back to school after the Easter break, and our toddler groups also started up. Was good to get back into a routine to be honest.

Day 109 – Wednesday

I didn’t know what to get Minu for Eid. She has lots of toys and I didn’t want to get something just for the sake of getting her something…as she doesn’t even understand whats going on in regards to Eid. I personally never go crazy on gifts, and especially when they are that young. However I had been looking at getting more garden toys for her and decided to get her a see saw type thing for Eid. It arrived today and I decided to just give it to her early. She sat on it initially and then seemed more interested in the box it came in and sat in that instead!

Day 110 – Thursday

Hubby’s day off and we popped to the shops. I spotted this Tango and had to give it a try. I really like it.

Day 111 – Friday

I had ordered some Krispy Kreme special Eid doughnuts and they arrived today. I had ordered for today as there was a chance Eid could be today. Although some were celebrating today, our Eid was declared as tomorrow. We left them for tomorrow.

Day 112 – Saturday

Eid celebrations today. Mum is still unwell due to atrial fibrillation and Minu doesn’t let me spend too long in the kitchen, so we had decided to order in the food. It was pretty nice and it was so nice not having to get up so early in the morning and just spend all morning cooking…and then washing up. It was a quiet one though. We hadn’t got our henna done professionally this year but the stencils we used came out quite well.

Day 113 – Sunday

Hubby decided to take today off work and while deciding what to do and where to go we ended up at Whipsnade zoo. It is one of our favourite zoo’s and Minu’s first time at a zoo. She had a lovely time seeing all the animals. I had to drag her away from the giraffes!

Day 114 – Monday

A quiet monday. Our usual messy play group has sadly been cancelled. Just chilled at home today as we were tired after the zoo trip. In the evening Minu attempted to ‘comb’ her sisters hair.

Day 115 – Tuesday

Back to our Tuesday group, we love this one. And then headed over to mums. Trying to pop round a bit more as she is still not well. Her feet have swollen now and has been told its due to her heart not working properly and fluid retention as a result. She has been given tablets to help and told to return to A&E if things get worse before her appointment with the specialist in about 3 weeks.

Day 116 – Wednesday

Minu is joining in so much more with our Wednesday group when it comes to the singing and loves it. She also loves seeing the guinea pigs who love coming and getting food from the kids. Also got the sad news our neighbour had passed away. She hadn’t been well and she deteriorated suddenly, she had been in hospital for about a week.

Day 117 – Thursday

Both girls were off school today due to the strikes. Hubby said we should go somewhere for the day but eldest had to revise for her mocks, and we didn’t want to miss karate and scouts in the evening. So instead we went to soft play with Minu and Bee. It was so busy!

Day 118 – Friday

Went to collect Minnies flea and worm treatment from the vets. Rosie used to hate it but always let me apply it to the back of her neck without too many issues, but Minnie is a demon and I fear for my life applying it! I think I will try tablets in her food next time to save me from the howling and menacing growls and hisses!

Day 119 – Saturday

Our neighbours family had been clearing out the house since she passed away and I noticed in the morning that they had cut the ivy from the top. I hated that ivy and that it was over the fence into our garden so was glad to get rid of it, but it did take some effort removing it from the fence. I also felt kind of sad that the neighbour was so protective of her ivy, and just like that it was disposed of.

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