Project 365 – Week 43 of 2023

Week 43 – 22 October to 28 October 2023

Half term week but didn’t do much really. A relaxing half term.

Day 296 – Sunday

Minu has been a bit under the weather the last few days and been trying to distract her with things as she has been a bit grumpy. Today I remembered I had some paints so got them out which kept her busy for about 30 mins.

Day 297 – Monday

A quiet day at home as Minu was still coughing a bit so wanted her to rest up. No pictures.

Day 298 – Tuesday

Headed to Silverstone Museum as the eldest wanted to go. Took her friend with us as well as it was free to girls under 18 during October. Minu was still a bit grumpy so took a lot of effort to keep her entertained as there wasn’t really much for her to do. We were only there for about 3 hours before heading back.

Day 299 – Wednesday

Headed into town to get a few things and because the eldest wanted to get helix piercings. It didn’t take long and her ear did bleed a bit. Pain wise she said it wasn’t too bad! We also all had our 6 month check up at the dentist.

Day 300 – Thursday

Another quiet day at home. Got the paints out again. This time we did some marble painting which Minu seemed to enjoy.

Day 301 – Friday

Popped over to mums in the morning and sent most of the day there. Hubby found me mint Galaxy chocolate. Although I love mint and chocolate…I wasn’t entirely sure about this one!

Day 302 – Saturday

Another quiet Saturday. Picked up Bee from karate and then just relaxed at home. It has been nice to have a few quiet days. No pictures except the ones I took of a board game we received a few weeks ago to review.

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