Project 365 – Week 44 of 2023

Week 44 – 29 October to 4 November 2023

Back to school – a quiet week.

Day 303 – Sunday

Our Scouts group went to Sheffield today for the Muslim Scouts Olympics. I didn’t go even though I wanted to, because I had no one to look after Minu. It would have been too long of a day for her. 22 young people went and came home with 3 gold medals and 5 bronze. I ended up taking the girls to soft play just to get out for a bit. It tired Minu out and she actually had a nap afterwards. She’s been dropping her naps.

Day 304 – Monday

Older 2 back to school and Minu and I headed to a friends house for a bit. Then popped to mums. No pictures

Day 305 – Tuesday

It was the Muslim Mums meet up today and it was confirmed that once your child becomes 2 you have to stop attending the meet ups. But if you become a volunteer you can still go. May sign up to be a volunteer as it is a nice group. It was a heavy session with talk of the genocide that currently happening and all of us feeling helpless.

Minu loved the puddles and the leaves! After the group headed to the shops with one of the mums and the kids had lunch at Asda.

Day 306 – Wednesday

Wednesday toddler group today. This is the only paid group we are going to now as the others have stopped, plus it was getting a bit too expensive, but we love this one.

Day 307 – Thursday

Popped to the shops with the husband. Went to Clarks to look at some boots for Minu but her feet are so narrow they didn’t have any in her size. Popped to Diechman to look at the adult boots and they have a lot of new stock. Did the food shopping. Then a quiet afternoon.

Day 308 – Friday

Thought about taking Minu to the toddler group at the Childrens Centre but the weather wasn’t great so stayed at home. Was a busy morning with play dough, water play etc!

Day 309 – Saturday

Bee didn’t want to go to karate today as she wanted to play with Minu. Decided to let her stay at home as I couldn’t be bothered to go pick her up later. Was a quiet day spent at home. A friend dropped over some chicken wings for Bee as she had promised to make her some some time ago. I didn’t have any as I am not a fan of wings…but Bee said they were delicious.

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