Project 366 – 18th March to 24th March

Week 12

A quiet week as didn’t feel well for most of it.

Monday Throat really sore so decided not to meet up with friends today. Chilled at home and Minu was pretty good and played quietly. No pictures.

Tuesday Started getting a temperature today too so again didn’t go out to our usual rhyme time. After the school run went and collected some food I had ordered which is in aid of charity. Had also ordered a fudge tart which was nice.

Wednesday Still feeling rough so again we missed our toddler group. It was Bee’s parents evening today and I almost didn’t go but it is the last one at this school so dragged myself out. Glad I went, the teachers had nothing but praise for her, and she is greater depth in pretty much everything. No pictures.

Thursday Husbands day off so I managed to get some rest. He cooked for Iftaar. Managed to get ome pictures of Fidget the elusive gerbil.

Friday Feeling much better so managed to take Minu to her toddler group. It did us both good to get out and get some fresh air.

Saturday Decided to head to the garden centre as I needed to repot one of my snake plants. Minu of course had to get some bubbles. My throat started feeling sore again by the end of the day and Minu was sounding a bit chesty again.

Sunday My cough is back in full force so another day at home. Minu doesn’t seem like she is 100% either. And both older girls coughing too. Fed up of this….want summer here already. No pictures.

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