Project 366 – 4th March to 10th March

Week 10

Usual routine, nothing special.

Monday A busy day. Headed to the local cafe and soft play to meet up with a friend. Then had to have a blood test to check my blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Told the nurse to go straight for my head and she remembered me and said she was having flashbacks due to how difficult I was to get blood out! After I picked up Bee from school we went to the park opposite to wait for the eldest who was in a mock exam. The squirrels were coming up close to us, think will get them some food for next time. The letter arrived confirming Bee’s secondary school place. We got our first choice but I am still not 100% I made the right decision.

Tuesday Had to take Minnie for her check up after her teeth removal. But she was hiding under my bed. I ended up having to move the mattress and try to get to her via the slats. She was scared and started hissing at me and then ran out the room. She headed to the conservatory and then tried to go out the cat flap. The eldest who was home on study leave for her mocks managed to grab her from the back as she was half way through the cat flap and then I picked her up from the front. Had to call the vets to say we were going to be 5 minutes late. Once we got there we were seen immediately and just for a couple of minutes. Her mouth is healing nicely. But poor Minnie was so scared she was shaking. As soon as we got home she ran straight to my room and hid under the bed. Then took Minu to rhyme time and then headed to the cafe and soft play again with some other friends. Had the tiger fries today. Then Squirrels group in the evening and we held our first investiture!

Wednesday Our usual toddler group today. Wasn’t as cold today and it was nice to see the guinea pigs out.

Thursday Our Scouts group take a break over ramadan and I headed over to the Squirrel Leaders house today to start planning the next term. In the evening the husband decided to take us all out to eat as it was the eldest’s final mock exam today. Usually Thursday evenings are busy with the Scouts group and karate but the eldest is taking a break from helping the Beavers to focus on her exams, and Bee has left karate. Was nice to do something as a family. Forgot to take any pictures.

Friday Took Minu to her toddler group and they had some photographers in. Managed to convince Minu to get some pictures taken and then purchased one. Then came home and started making some chocolate dates ready for ramadan next week.

Saturday Ramadan is almost here. It is a hard one this year. Would normally decorate and make it special but with all that is happening in Gaza and after seeing some of the images of dead children, starving people etc it felt wrong. But after seeing a post of them still trying to make the most of it to celebrate this special month by putting some lights on on their tents, I put a few lights up for the girls.

Sunday Mothers Day. We don’t bother with it to be honest but if I didn’t make an effort for my mum she would complain. So got her a cake. Came home and then just chilled. And then all of a sudden Minu got very hot just before bed so looks like a rough night ahead!

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