Hijab Series: My Hijab Story

Before I became Muslim, I could never understand why anyone would want to cover their hair. I would spend a lot of time perfecting my hairstyles before leaving the house. I enjoyed it and I liked how I looked. I never thought that I would one day be a hijabi. Then, on 12th September 2007,

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Hijab Series: Wearing the Hijab

My take on hijab is not unique in any way however it proved to be inspiring for many. It’s always good to know that I have been a motivational figure either intentionally or unintentionally.   Being born and brought up in a Muslim country, it was never really difficult to adopt this symbol of modesty.

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Hijab Series: What I Got Out of Wearing Hijab

Third in my hijab series is a post from Rahila Ovais, blogging at https://diaryofahijabimommy.wordpress.com/    It has been about five years since I started wearing hijab. I cover up whenever I am out of the house without my husband. He doesn’t like me with hijab yet. He probably thinks people will assume he is the

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Hijab Series: Wearing Hijab is my choice

Hijab. One word that seems to be striking fear into the hearts of the western world. So much so that they are trying to ban it. Some because they think they are liberating Muslim women. Some because they fear it. And some mainly just down to ignorance. I decided to start this series after a

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