My Hijab, My Empowerment

New post in my ongoing Hijab Series is written by sister Ashley. In her post she talks about how the hijab is her empowerment. ****************************************** Being a Muslimah and covered woman for over two years now, and living in the United States and United Kingdom, I have become very, very accustomed to being spit, stared, and

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Why are you wearing a hair net?

Next up in my hijab series is sister Khawlah. In this post she talks about being asked questions as a result of wearing hijab. “Why are you wearing a hair net?” Working as a healthcare assistant in a psychiatric hospital, I meet a variety of people, meeting new faces – staff and patients – on a

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Hijab- My journey and thoughts

Today I am sharing a post from fellow muslimah blogger Zehera in my hijab series.  In this post she shares her thoughts on hijab. Hijab is basically defined as the headscarf worn by Muslim women with the aim of covering their head (hair) and chest, when in front of non-mahrams. I think the word Hijab needs

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Hijab Series: Alina’s Hijab Story

Todays post in my hijab series is  by Alina Asif, a blogger who by the use of pen aims at spreading the peace and contentment she found in coming close to Islam. With the help of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), I look forward to help other sisters in breaking the shackles which restrict them from

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Hijab Series: Hijab in the Workplace

For most of my journey as a muslimah who wears hijab, I have been either a student or a stay-home mum. Even when I worked from home, running a playgroup, and offering tuition to students, hijab was never an issue. It was something I believed in, something that was a part of me. Even though

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Hijab Series: How Hijab Makes Me Feel

Hijab makes you stand out- sometimes you want to other times you don’t. It makes some onlookers weary of the hijab wearer and some encourage the wearer  to exercise her right of religious expression. Hijab gives me strength, it makes me stand tall. People step aside. It puts up boundaries around me without me having

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