Extreme Tiredness

Originally Posted Friday, 27 January 2012

According to my dates I am 6 weeks today and I am feeling so tired all the time. Even my colleague at work pointed it out and said I looked exhausted. Thanks for telling me that…..nice to know I am pretty much looking like death warmed up(!)
I was never this tired with my first pregnancy – in fact I was overly active and I kept getting told by my mum to rest up abit.
Now I find myself wilting away at work. Working on the 2nd floor doesn’t help either as I am up and down the stairs all day. I come home and all I want to do is just crash on the sofa. Right now I am on my bed and just about mustering up the energy to type this.
Hubby got me some samosa chaat on the way home from work and I even struggled to motivate myself to eat it!
I have been googling tiredness and apparently it is an early symptom of pregnancy and it should go away once I am into my second trimester. So potentially another 6 weeks of feeling exhausted all the time!
I am so glad it is the weekend. Going to do as little housework as I can get away with and just rest up.
The other thing I have noticed is that my hormones are playing up. I got so frustrated with a client at work and normally I am quite chilled out.
However, on the plus side, another client got me a box of ferrero rocher to say thanks for my hard work.
That made my day.


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  • Previous Comments

    HumayraaJan 28, 2012 01:43 PM
    I've always had the 1st trimester fatigue and it always decreased significantly in the 2nd trimester. Hopefully it will for you too! Try to rest as much as possible when at home, and enjoy the pampering!

    MarieHarmonyJan 30, 2012 03:40 AM
    Try to enjoy as much rest as you can over the week-end and in the evening. I am sure it is not easy to manage with work as well. I hope it won't last too long.
    Take care.