Was offered a job interview today

Originally posted Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Just before Christmas I applied for a job at the local college as a welfare worker. One of the reasons I applied for the job is because my current job is likely to end in 2013. Also the holidays with this job were good. I would get all days off that are not term time (unpaid). So I could spend half term, summer holidays etc with munchkin.
I left work today and had a voice mail from the college asking me to contact them.
I then had a dilemma.
Do I go ahead with the application knowing that if the pregnancy goes well I could be leaving them again in August?
Or do I just withdraw the application and potentially lose out on a good opportunity? I am still in the early stages of pregnancy so anything could happen.
My conscience made the decision for me. I didn’t think it was fair that I went through the whole interview process, potentially get the job and then once I have been trained up, leave.
So I withdrew my job application.

I hope I made the right decision.Photobucket

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  • Previous comments

    MarieHarmonyJan 26, 2012 02:17 AM
    I would have done the same I think. But remember when one door closes, another opens. At least you won't have to worry about anything and will live your pregnancy with peace in your mind regarding to this.
    Take care

    HumayraaJan 28, 2012 01:40 PM
    Aww… maa shaa Allaah! You are so kind and considerate thinking of the inconviences to others. Allaahu baraak feeki!