Garden update – blooming flowers and hanging baskets

Since my spring update of the garden back in March, I haven’t posted much about the state of my garden. Which is a shame really as I do love gardening. So now is the time to update!

B&Q plantsOne of the things I have managed to sort out are my hanging baskets and I also got some bedding plants that were on offer at B&Q. I love buying plants from our local one as there is so much of a variety.

I also cheated with the hanging baskets and got a pack of plants that were carefully selected for a hanging basket and also had instructions on the side of where to plant each plant in the hanging basket. Hopefully by following the technique, I will get a stunning display with my hanging baskets this year!

I had emptied a few pots out by placing the plants already in them into the ground, so decided to put the bedding plants into them rather than into the ground. The problem with planting them into the ground is that I have a rabbit that is keen to eat any edible plants…and he also likes to dig where I have done as it’s all nice and soft for him…..he is a lazy thing.


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Alot of my flowers are in bloom now and we are gaining immense pleasure from them. Flowers can just uplift the soul with their beautiful colours….although Bee is a bit of a vandal and has been pulling some of the flowers off.

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Beautiful Red Roses


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