Why we look forward to Ramadan

IMG_5067In less than a week Ramadan will be starting and I thought it would be ideal to share what Ramadan means to us as Muslims.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calender, a month where muslims refrain from eating and drinking, and also other physical needs, during sunrise to sunset.  However it is not just about not eating, it is also about cleansing the soul and practicing selflessness. Most importantly, it is one of the five pillars of Islam, obligatory upon reaching puberty.

I remember as a child, knowing that this month was special. A sense of calm would descend on the house, the television was rarely on if at all, and any spare moment would be spent on prayer and quiet reflection. The last time Ramadan fell in the summer months I was a young child and not fasting. I remember my mum tucking me into bed, but I remained awake, listening out for my dad to return home from work and then sneak down on the pretence of going to the toilet just so I could see him and join in on eating the food.

As a parent it can be difficult to make the most out of the month. I won’t lie and say that part of me is slightly apprehensive as the fasts are over 18 hours long, and I have an over active toddler and school runs etc to deal with, in additition it will be the first year I am wearing hijaab in the summer months, so not sure what to expect. However, after the first few days which I do find difficult, the body tends to adjust and you get into a routine. Hopefully that will be the case this year.

I look forward to Ramadan as it is almost like ‘charging’ your batteries when it comes to your faith. I sometimes struggle, who doesn’t, and Ramadan is a time to remind you of your faith, to remind you what you believe in and concentrate solely on your faith and to strive to become a better person.

I asked a few friends, fellow bloggers and tweeters, to share what Ramadan means to them and what they look forward to. Below are their responses. Thank you to them all for sharing their thoughts with me.



A few days back my eight year old said mummy I would like to keep a fast on saturday when Ramadan begins because I would like to know how the people feel that have less than us and survive.

For me Ramdan is about spiritual cleansing; it has made me into a better person, taught me patience….whereas before I was very stubborn and very impatient. It has made me think about others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Rather than spending on luxurious items and a lavish lifestyle, I prefer to give in the way of Allah now. It gives me peace and I feel content alhamdulillah.

Ramadan has helped me to spiritually cleanse myself and realise how I can help make my akhirat better by simply cutting out little things that are causing me to sin…this special month has helped me to become steadfast in prayer although sometimes I am unable to carry it forward. But I still try to be a better muslim than I previously was.

Wishing everyone a very blessed Ramadan Kareem. May it be full of blessings for everyone in sha Allah.


Ayesha :

We all look forward to Ramadhan in out family, probably me the most. I’m like a little kid when it comes to Ramdhan; I get excited and look forward to it. Why? Several reasons. The atmosphere, and everyone is so much nicer and more considerate. It’s a chance for me to repent and start afresh again. A chance to set some targets to learn and memorise some new surahs. Unfortunately this should be done all year round but with the hussle and bussle of life we don’t find time so in Ramadhan I try to make the most of it. With the kids I try to do activities or go through a book. For this Ramadhan i brought a book called 365 days with the Prophet (pbuh). It is for children, so will get my son to read it and we can discuss it inshaAllah. So yeah that’s what I like and plan for Ramadhan. Hope it goes well inshaAllah; let’s get to Ramadhan first!

Shapla Koli  blogging at Tafkr Al-Islami


Ramadhan has always been very dear to me. Even though the month comes with hardship, that’s never actually bothered me. I’ve always found solace in it and have tried to make the most of it. But this year I think I’ve been waiting for it more eagerly than ever before. Since becoming a mum and a homemaker I’ve reevaluated my relationship with Allah and I’ve come to realise that I’m actually not an obedient slave as I’d like to be. So this year, Ramadhan for me will be an opportunity to invest 30 days in gaining closeness to Allah with the hope that this remains firm even after the month leaves us. I want it to be more than just the absence of food and water, but rather a time to make my nafs steadfast on Allah’s path. Allah in the Quran tells us that the purpose of fasting is to achieve taqwa (god-consciousness), and I’m making dua I’m able to achieve this. Imam Ghazali very beautifully wrote, “The highest level of fasting is to completely cut yourself off from that which distracts you from Allah.”


Denise Ahmed @iamdeniseahmed

Ramadan is an emotional, spiritual and rejuvenating month for me.
Firstly, I embraced Islam during Ramadan 5 years ago so it’s like a sort of anniversary.
The month is a detox for the mind, body and soul. Even if, like myself, you are not fasting due to breastfeeding, illness etc it is a time to reflect and a well needed eemaan boost.
Some women, mashallah, are able to fast when pregnant and/or breaastfeeding but subanallah we are different.
I set Ramadan goals to enhance the experience and to make the most of the month. This year, inshallah, I hope to learn a couple more surahs and read the Quran daily. My husband and I are currently are reading the Burkari collection of hadiths and hope to increase the time spent doing this doing the blessed month.
My boys are little too young to appreciate what is going on but my aim is to involve Zakariya more this year. He is currently learning to read and write Arabic, mashallah, I hope to increase his study time as my husband will be home more during the month so I will have a bit more time to dedicate to Zakariya’s literacy work. Ramadan is the month the Quran was revealed so as Muslims we should aim to read as much as we can during the month and increase our good deeds as well as charity.
I look forward to focusing on the Deen and really trying to leave bad habits for good. We all like a good gossip but it can easily turn into backbiting, something we should really strive to avoid.
Of course I’m looking forward to Eid, since getting married and having the boys it’s a lovely family occasion. Coming from a catholic background Christmas was a big thing in our house, I really make Eid special so they don’t ever feel they are missing out.
Ramadan goes so quickly and miss it terribly when it does. The last maghrib you pray to make the end of Ramadan is always so emotional, my husband leads the salaah in tears. Sad that the shaytaan in back (as Muslims we believe the devils are chained during Ramadan) and tears of regret because he worries, like the majority of us, he’s not made the most of the month.
Ramadan is such a beautiful month, writing this has got me rather excited.
I’m not a blogger so I hope I’ve not waffled on too much.
Sending everyone much love and duas for this Blessed month.



Najmah blogging at The Muslim Bricks

I’m excited to this upcoming Ramadan because it’ll be another chance for me to learn more about life, love, hope, and faith in spiritual way. Also there’s something special on this earth and people during this month. It’s just so different. MashaaAllah. 

Brooke Benoit

I am looking forward to getting a little help with organizing this year, insha Allah. Going to try the Ramadan Battle Plan with a team from SISTERS Magazine. My main focus will be getting in plenty of Taraweehs as I have been too busy and burnt out the last few years. Insha Allah! …if you want to share that is would be nice, we are going to blog our experiences here: http://www.sisters-magazine.com/index.php…

Tas blogger at Not My Year Off:

I love how the whole family comes together during this month. We’re always in such a rush usually, and sometimes don’t even have dinner together. This month is always a much calmer and slower month somehow and the bonding over a simple sehri or Iftar, without the distraction of telly, is really lovely. I always think this month as a sort of reset button too. Stepping back, slowing down, thinking about everything, getting closer to God, thinking about what we really want to achieve. Everything.


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