Project 365 – Week 28

Pretty uneventful week. As it is Ramadan I am basically just going toddler groups and not much else happening.Week 28

Day 187 – Today was all about making samosas

Day 188 – Toddler group and then went to my parents. Bee started feeding the budgies grass.

Day 189 – Captured the sunrise as part of my ramdan photo a day.

Day 190 – My friend sent me some money and then told me to go Morrisons to get this plant as she thought of me when she saw it! Was so lovely of her!

Day 191 – Today was all about the cake. It is a charity cake raising funds for Syria. #Cakes4Syria

Day 192 – Love this hydrangea bush at my parents.

Day 193 – Had housework and cooking to do so left the girls to it in the garden with some sand!

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