Looking forward to nursery and treasuring precious moments #PowerOfSoft

Can you believe it?

It only seems like it was a few months ago I made my pregnancy public on this blog, and then shared my birth story. And now my little Bee is 2 and could start nursery in January.

I say ‘could’ as she is entitled to go at 2 but doesn’t have to. So I am still in the debating stage as to whether I want to send her.

My eldest is in Year 4…..only 2 more years until she is in secondary school. And it has made me realise how precious the time is that you spend with them in these early years. Although she is only 8 she is already beginning to show the signs of becoming a moody teenager *sigh*

I was working part time when Munchkin was 2, but with Bee I am not and as a result I think that I may find her attending nursery more difficult than I did with Munchkin. Although it will be nice to have some time to myself….I will miss her randomness. for example, while playing she will suddenly come up to me and demand a hug and a kiss.

I won’t lie, sometimes I have been really frustrated being at home all the time, I guess that is normal after working for so many years, but I am glad of having this opportunity. To spend every moment with her, seeing her develop her own personality and attitude! And not missing any milestones.



There are a number of ways in which you can help your child in the run up to starting nursery:

Seperation: Try to get them used to spending some time without you if possible, especially if they are particularly clingy to you. I take Bee to toddler groups on a daily basis and have now started to take a step back and not follow her around. Although I keep my eye on her, it is from a distance to allow her to explore on her own and encourage her to play with others.

Routine: Try to adjust their bedtime and nap routines if possible so that if they are late sleepers they start waking at the time they would have to if going nursery. Thankfully this isn’t too much of a problem for us as we wake up early anyway to take Munchkin to school.

Talk: Talk to your child about nursery, read books together to show how fun nursery can be.

Visit: Make sure you visit the nursery yourself and are happy with it. Take your child for a visit and to meet the teacher if possible.

and most importantly:

Make the most of the time you have together before nursery/school starts.


Fairy Non Bio understand how quickly time passes and have started a campaign to encourage mums to embrace every moment, to embrace the Power of Soft. In their research they found that when they asked mums what they missed most, a quarter said they missed kisses and cuddles, 43% missed their child’s company and 28% missed the background noise.

I will miss all those when Bee goes to nursery. She really is a busy Bee and the silence will be deafening when she returns. And I will get less kisses and cuddles throughout the day! I will even miss her acrobats of climbing all over the sofa and trying to hang off the banister….and trying to climb over the stair gates. Oh and I will miss her sulking face when I ask her to do something and she doesn’t want to.

Fairy Non Bio is ‘proud to have seen millions of mums through every baby grow, every toddler’s favourite party dress and then……..that first school uniform’.  They are encouraging mums around the country to treasure these early moments:


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post



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  • Oh my, wow, she has grown fast. Can’t wait to read more about your experience.
    We are there right now…baby’s in daycare and I am lonely 🙁

  • It’s a big change in the life of you all. Getting ready is key. By experience (from people around me), it looks like it’s easier for the kids than for the parents.
    It’s great that you had all this time with Bee. She might be ready for Nursery school. I am sure all will go well for both of you.
    Mister Pop is starting at the creche / daycare next week. I feel a bit overwhelmed by this change, thought I know it’s great for him.

    Stay well Foz. Love from France
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