Lets Read Together: It Must Have Been You

It must have been you


Paperback 32 pages 24 x 24cm

RRP £5.99

Publication date: 1st June 2015

A delightfully quirky debut of a little girl who just can’t seem to stay out of trouble, and is caught by pointing fingers everywhere she goes. Written in rhyme, with repetition and innovative design, this picture book is great for sharing time and time again.


Although Lets Read Together is a feature focusing on books for Muslim children, It Must Have Been You is a book that can be enjoyed by all children. I was sent this to review some time ago so felt it was the perfect book to kick off the series.

It is all about a little girl who inadvertently makes a mess and gets fingers pointed at her: ‘It must have been you!’ At the end she cleans and tidies and as a result gets hugs and kisses with the ‘It must have been you’ comment!
It’s great to help teach about the concept of cleaning up after yourself and getting rewarded for it.

The story itself is quite short and makes an ideal bedtime story. What is unusual about it is that it is not written in the traditional sense of straight lines but the text is spread throughout the page:

It must have been you

Although younger children who are learning to read could potentially find this confusing, it is a unique feature to the book that older children will find interesting to follow the text around the page.

The pictures are bold and colourful and Bee loved looking at them.

What I also loved about the book is that the end papers are pictures from children from all over the UK. It is lovely to get children involved in the publication of the story.

it must have been you pictures


This is one book that I think will often be taken out to be read, especially at bedtime!

Lets Read Together
If you wish to join in with a book review for muslim kids then please feel free to add one link to the linky below. This will remain open until the next review in 2 weeks time.

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