Project 366 – Week 24

Week 2 of Ramadan.

Spent it all pretty much at home.
Week 24Day 164 – Sunday 12th June

Quiet day at home today. Bee’s chicken pox made her feel unwell today although she has been fine last 2 days.

Day 165 – Monday 13th June

Excited to finally get my hands on the Curious George book I had preordered!

Day 166 – Tuesday 14th June

Dad’s hospital appointment today. He has some tests next month so this was a chat beforehand. It is likely he has liver damage but they are running other tests aswell….not entirely sure what they are looking for.

Day 167 – Wednesday 15th June

Our radiator suddenly came off the wall. Not something I need to deal with right now!

Day 168 – Thursday 16th June

Another uneventful day….so you have a picture of my pepper plant which is doing well in the conservatory.

Day 169 – Friday 17th June

I don’t have much luck with orchids but hubby brought home 2 more! Lets see if I can keep these alive.

Day 170 – Saturday 18th June

Decided to do some crafts today and make our own decorations for Eid. We are attempting stars with lollipop sticks.


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