Project 366 – Week 35

week 35

Day 241 – Sunday 28th August

Had guests over from London to visit dad…so a busy day at the parents, Rosie had the house to herself so she just chilled

Day 242 – Monday 29th August

Bank holiday but didn’t have anything planned. Went to our local Islamic Book Shop which was shutting down and had a discount on books…so of course had to get the girls some.

Day 243 – Tuesday 30th August

Decided to go to London to make sure of our Merlin Passes. Went to the aquarium, saw Shrek Adventures and went on the London Eye. Decided to skip the dungeon as thought that would be scary for the girls.

Day 244 – Wednesday 31st August

Recovering from London! Quiet day at home. Sister got a new job and gave some sweets as celebration.

Day 246 – Thursday 1st September

Hubby was going to work and then we ended up deciding on another day out (benefits of being self employed). A lot of our days out were cancelled due to dad’s health so now trying to fit in as much as we can before the girls go back to nursery and school. Decided to go to Wicksteed Park and Bee was much braver this time and went on quite a few rides.

Day 247 – Friday 2nd September

Bee spent the day showing off her new schools for nursery! She picked them herself and wanted these as they had glitter!

Day 248 – Saturday 3rd September

Another quiet day, mainly because it was raining! Spent the day trying to work out what to get the girls for Eid which is coming up in just over a week. These are part of their gifts.

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