Project 365 – January 8th to January 14th

Day 8 – A quiet Sunday at home and the girls tried out their bath bombs they got in the sales.

Day 9 – Hubby treated me to breakfast.

Day 10 – Had some fun with Bee’s snowflake blocks…..she then ‘sprinkled’ them all over the living room floor.

Day 11 – Caught up some some blogging stuff and worked on some reviews.

Day 12 – I won this Arabic calligraphy on Instagram and it arrived today!

Day 13 – Treated myself to this soap creme from Superdrug….Raspberry and Rose. It really does smell goof enough to eat!

Day 14 – Went to Leicester with the family to eat out. Such a shame Dad is no longer up for last minute trips..usually he would be the first one ready.

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