Project 365 – April 16 to April 22

Day 106 – Hubby’s day off today so we took the girls for some bowling before visiting dad at hospital.

Day 107 – Hubby and mine 12th wedding anniversary. We don’t usually do much to celebrate, and were in even less of a mood to celebrate with dad in hospital, but family got us some cake.

Day 108 – Found out Bee got her first choice of primary school! She is excited to go. There was an event happy in our shopping centre where there were some activities for preschoolers, and free books. Popped there before we went to hospital. Arrived at hospital to be told dad was being discharged (even though still some minor confusion). Rushed off to get his clothes, got his dressed only to be told that actually he can’t be discharged as he still hasn’t had a chest scan that was asked for last week.

Day 109 – Dad still in hospital…scan not done. Didn’t do much else so you have a picture of Rosie instead. She was determined to sit on the table even though it had books and other things dumped on it!

Day 110 – Dad finally had his scan at 9am. However when we went at 2pm they were still waiting for the results. He was eventually discharged at 6pm.

Day 111 – Just sharing some plants I got a few days ago, was planning to plant them today but went over to mums house to help her keep an eye on dad. Although he does say some random things now and then he is managing the stairs, going to the toilet and eating himself so thats good. He was meant to be getting some carers to come and check on him…they had it arranged for Wednesday but were told dad wasn’t medically fit. Then when he was actually discharged they weren’t told…so now mum will get no help until later next week. This is the final straw and I will be putting in a letter of complaint about the ‘care’ he has received this time.

Day 112 – Super hero dress up at Bee’s karate today. She has moved up to the 10am class now so can have a bit of a lie in.

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